OPNsense Exporter release v0.0.6
Release commits
- Upgrade DEPS and fix structures memory order by @ihatemodels in #29
- FEATURE: Implement firewall ( pf stats ) metrics by @ihatemodels in #30
- Upgrade DEPS by @ihatemodels in #36
- Upgrade Go to version 1.23 by @ihatemodels in #36
- Fixes #32 by @ihatemodels in #36
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
Breaking Changes ❌
Container Images 📦
- ghcr.io/athennamind/opnsense-exporter:latest
- ghcr.io/athennamind/opnsense-exporter:0.0.6
Stay positive,
the AthennaMind Team