This is my technical targets for 2018
- Master Linux OS (command line). Repo:
- Java programming (senior level).
- Java core (up-to-date knowledge with newest java version) + java 8
- Multi thread programming in Java.
- Java Concurrency.
- JSP, Servlet core. Repo:
- Spring.
- Hibernate.
- Microservice Architecture
- Become a Git master. Repo:
- Docker - a helpful tool
- Finish some courses about general programming theory, algorithm, data structure, database.(Servlet core, SQL)
- OCJP certificate
- Take Ielts exam, target 6.5 - Around December
- Improve Communication and Presentation skills.
- Read at least 20 books about everything (God father, ...)
- Travelling Da Nang(summer)
- Raise salary (plus 7M)
- Car driving licence
- Saving 100M