A structured, machine-readable dataset of Valmiki Ramayana, including Sanskrit shlokas, translations, and explanations.
This is an open-source dataset for Valmiki Ramayana, containing:
- 📜 Sanskrit Shlokas (Original script)
- 🏛 Romanized Transliterations
- 📖 English Translations (Word-by-word & sentence meanings)
- 📝 Explanations & Commentary
🔹 Intended Uses:
- AI/NLP Research & Sanskrit Language Processing
- Computational Linguistics & Machine Learning
- Sanskrit Studies & Digital Archives
│── data/ # Main dataset
│ ├── Valmiki_Ramayan_Shlokas.json # Structured shloka dataset
│── resources/ # Scholarly resources, PDFs, external datasets
│ ├── MN_Dutt_Volume_1_2.pdf
│ ├── MN_Dutt_Volume_3_5.pdf
│ ├── MN_Dutt_Volume_6.pdf
│ ├── MN_Dutt_Volume_7.pdf
│── docs/ # Additional explanations or future work
│ ├── dataset_structure.md # Explanation of dataset columns & structure
│ ├── preprocessing_notes.md # Notes on dataset processing
│── Resources.md # 📚 One-stop scholarly reference (✅ Completed!)
│── README.md # 🚀 This file!
│── LICENSE # 📜 MIT License
│── .gitignore # GitHub ignore file
Each entry in the JSON dataset follows this structure:
"kanda": "Bala Kanda",
"sarga": 1,
"shloka": 1,
"shloka_text": "तपस्स्वाध्यायनिरतं तपस्वी वाग्विदां वरम् । नारदं परिपप्रच्छ वाल्मीकिर्मुनिपुङ्गवम् ।।1.1.1।।",
"transliteration": "tapassvādhyāyanirataṁ tapasvī vāgvidāṁ varam। nāradaṁ paripapraccha vālmīkir munipuṅgavam।।",
"translation": "तपस्वी ascetic, वाल्मीकि: Valmiki, तप: स्वाध्यायनिरतम् highly delighted in the practice of religious austerities and study of vedas, वाग्विदां वरम् eloquent among the knowledgeable, मुनिपुङ्गवम् preeminent among sages, नारदम् Narada, परिपप्रच्छ enquired.",
"explanation": "Ascetic Valmiki enquired of Narada, preeminent among the sages ever engaged in the practice of religious austerities or study of the Vedas and best among the eloquent.",
"comments": "Saint Narada visits hermitage of Valmiki -- Valmiki queries about a single perfect individual bestowed with all good qualities enumerated by him -- Narada, knower of past, present and future, identifies such a man -- describes virtues, qualities of Sri Rama -- narrates briefly the story of his life."
This dataset was compiled from verified Sanskrit corpora and structured for better usability, referencing key translations and academic sources.
📚 Primary Texts & Translations:
- 📚 M.N. Dutt's English Translation (1891-1894) (Archive.org)
- 🏛 IIT Kanpur Gita Supersite (IIT-Kanpur)
- 🌐 Gyaandweep (Gyaandweep.com)
🏛 Data Structuring & Processing:
- Extracted & cleaned text from multiple verified sources
- Reformatted for AI/NLP usability
- Included word-by-word translations & explanations
🔹 Note: The dataset is continuously improving. Contributions are welcome to enhance accuracy!
git clone https://github.com/AshuVj/Valmiki_Ramayan_Dataset.git
Or download the dataset directly:
🔗 Download Valmiki_Ramayan_Shlokas.json
🚀 Want to improve the dataset or add missing translations?
1️⃣ Open an Issue (Report errors, suggest improvements)
2️⃣ Submit a Pull Request (Fix errors, add better explanations, or help refine the dataset)
3️⃣ Contribute additional scholarly sources
🙌 Let's make Sanskrit AI & NLP stronger together! 🚀
This dataset is a work in progress, and we are actively working on refining it.
- 📜 Merged Shlokas: Some shlokas are incorrectly combined due to OCR/formatting errors
- 🔍 Missing Translations & Explanations: Some entries lack English meanings and explanations
- 📖 Verification Needed: A thorough manual validation of Sanskrit-to-English translations is pending
👨💻 We welcome contributions! If you find errors or can help improve the dataset, please open an issue or submit a PR. 🙌
This dataset is released under the MIT License – Free to use for research, learning, and non-commercial projects.
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्धः कालेनात्मनि विन्दति॥
(There is nothing as purifying as knowledge. One who attains self-realization through devotion to learning finds wisdom within himself in due time.)