Digital signs are simply signs that are shown on screens, showcasing the events, meetings, menu items, etc that are used in place of paper signs. This script is used for the digital sign in the Harvey Mudd Cafe, and in Galileo Hall.
Up until 2019, the school would manually update their signs on a weekly basis. Slides were created by hand, images were manually placed, and event data had to be typed every week. In busy times, this would be done more often. I was tasked to find a way to automate updating the signs.
The school preferred the use of Google Slides, and thus any script must be written in Google Apps Script, which is essentially Javascript using the API in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
Retrieves event information from the HMC site and populates a sheet. The dates and information text is separated for easier use in Main.js
Main code that populates the slides. In the Google Apps Code Editor, it is set to run once a day at midnight, or however often Dining Services or Administration wishes.