- 👤 My Portfolio
- 📄 Resume
- 🌍 I'm based in Lucknow,India.
- ✉️ You can contact me at contactashar4@gmail.com
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on web dev projects.
- 🧑💻 Currently learning React Native.
My GitHub Stats
My GitHub Stats
This repository contains JavaScript code for learning and practicing data structures and algorithms. It includes implementations of common algorithms and data structures. It also includes solution …
Designed and implemented a YouTube clone using React.js for the frontend, incorporating a clean UI with Tailwind CSS for styling, Redux Toolkit for efficient state management, and leveraging indust…
This web app is integrated with the TMDB API (The Movie Database) to access movie and series data. TMDB API provides a vast collection of information related to movies and TV shows, including detai…
Developed a notes app using React and local storage, providing users with a secure platform to store and manage their personal notes effectively.
Developed a quiz website using React and Open Trivia Database (OpenTDB) API, allowing users to customize their quiz experience by selecting topics, difficulty levels, and question formats (true/fal…
OpenAi based text to image generating web app
JavaScript 1