This is python files which contain few helping function to draw better text, on screen, like text with background, and drawing transparent shapes. there will more functionalities added later on, I will be updating this files
- Draw Text with background
- Draw Text with background and outline
- Draw Transparent Shape
- Reading Multiple Images from dir
- Generate Random Colors
- Extracting Frame from Video file
- Resize Image
- color segmentation
- Contours Detection
- Contours Sorting By Area
- Contours Sorting By Location
- Contours Basic Shape detection
- QR Code Detection
- QR Code Generator
- Aruco Marker Generator
- Marker Detection
- Camera Calibration
- Face Detection with OpenCV
- Face Detection with Mediapipe
- Face Landmarks Detection with MediaPipe
- Hand Landmarks Detection with MediaPipe
- Pose Estimation with MediaPipe
- Gesture Recognition
pip install opencv-contrib-python
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