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100 lines (77 loc) · 5.23 KB


Browse a 3D interactive Earth globe to navigate around and select countries. Feeding this module with objects (artists, cars, people ...) per countries will display for each of them a cylinder with a scaled height relative to other countries. It can also give information about the clicked country. With several preferences, this scene can be rendered on many machine with various configuration ; however, the browser must support WebGL.

Get started

To quickly play with this module, open either example-global-scope.html or example-module-scope.html in any modern web browser (that has WebGL support). This out of the box method doesn't require a web server, but since MzkWorldMap needs to fetch its ressources, you have to disable the CORS policy of your browser*:

  • Firefox (about:config) : security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy = false
  • Chrome (argument to pass) : --disable-web-security

*For firefox, you must restore this settings when done playing with MzkWorldMap, as it makes you vulnerable to downloaded HTML documents. For chrome, just close instance and reopen it without --disable-web-security argument.*

ManaZeak plugin integration

This module was mainly designed to be included in ManaZeak as a plugin. If you administrate a ManaZeak instance and wish to install this plugin, refer to the ManaZeak's wiki Plugin management entry.

Basic usage

You can also use this piece of software on any website you want. MzkWorldMap was mainly designed to be used in two ways : as an es6 module or attached to the window global scope. If running on a web server, you must ensure that the ./assets/ folder is routed in your web application, so MzkWorldMap can properly load its ressources. You can then create a basic instance of the world :

As a module

To use as a module (with import statement), you must copy assets/, css/ and js/ to your project, keeping the same tree structure. If you want a custom tree structure, you may make a pass in each Js class to check that import path is correct. That's it, now you can create an instance like this :

import MzkWorldMap from 'path/to/MzkWorldMap.js';
// Simple 3D scene to browse the map and click on countries
const map = new MzkWorldMap({
  assetsUrl: 'path/to/MzkWorldMap/assets/', // The path to `./assets/` folder
  renderTo: document.body // The DOM element to insert MzkWorldMap

As a globally available plugin

You can also integrate MzkWorldMap to be globally available in your project. In the ./dist/ folder, you will find both minified css and javascript. Reference those files in your HTML file like so :

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="./dist/mzkworldmap.min.css">
  <script src="./dist/mzkworldmap.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
    // Simple 3D scene to browse the map and click on countries
    const map = new window.MzkWorldMap({ // window optional
      assetsUrl: 'path/to/MzkWorldMap/assets/', // The path to `./assets/` folder
      renderTo: document.body // The DOM element to insert MzkWorldMap

Advanced usage

To make statistical representation for each country, MzkWorldMap will process given data (object per country style) to represent these objects with scaled heights, and call back when a country is clicked :

// Your custom dataset of object (here artists) per country
const myData = {
  type: 'artists', // The type of data you want
  countries: [{
    trigram: 'FRA', // Must match NATO 3 letters country codes
    artists: [{ // Must match type as key
      name: 'Habstrakt',
      id: '42'
    }/*, { ... } */]
  }/*, { ... } */]
// Full example with data and click callback
const map = new MzkWorldMap({
  assetsUrl: 'path/to/MzkWorldMap/assets/', // The path to `./assets/` folder
  renderTo: document.body, // The DOM element to insert MzkWorldMap
  countryClicked: info => alert(info), // The country clicked callback
  data: myData, // The object per country data
  centerOn: 'FRA' // Start view with France centered on
