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  • Los Angeles

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💫 About Me:

🌱 I’m currently working on
Improving real-time business communication tools React.

👥 I’m looking to collaborate on
Projects involving TypeScript, scalable frontend architecture, and performance optimization.

🤝 I’m looking for help with
Expanding my knowledge of backend development with Go, focusing on building APIs.

🌱 I’m currently learning
Backend development with Go, API architecture, and distributed systems to complement my frontend expertise.

🌐 Socials:


💻 Tech Stack:

CSS3 HTML5 JavaScript Python TypeScript React Next JS Firebase NPM Expo Express.js Fastify Bootstrap Ant-Design Vite Three js MUI Gulp Chart.js Jenkins Nginx Redis Firebase Storybook Figma Gimp GitLab CI Git GitHub GitLab Babel Ansible Jira Kubernetes Notion Prettier Postman Swagger Docker Gradle Grafana Cisco Bitbucket GitHub Actions

Pinned Loading

  1. social social Public

    Социальная сеть TypeScript,React ,Redux, Redux Thunk, redux-form,

    JavaScript 3

  2. chat chat Public

    Веб-чат с выбором имени и комнаты /


  3. mern mern Public

    Приложение для сокращения ссылок , с авторизацией / Mongo Express React Node


  4. world-map-fire-volcano world-map-fire-volcano Public

    Онлайн-карта земли с обозначением пожаров и вулканов / React Nasa-open-api google-maps-api

    JavaScript 1

  5. calculator-angular calculator-angular Public

    Калькулятор с функциями вычитания / сложения / умножения / деления / Angular 10

    TypeScript 1

  6. organaizer-angular-firebase-realtimedb organaizer-angular-firebase-realtimedb Public

    Календарь органайзер / Angular10
