This repository holds files that patches Tractor's blade Python code files.
The blade Python files are located in:
C:\Program Files\Pixar\Tractor-2.4\lib\python2.7\Lib\site-packages\tractor\apps\blade
To update the code of the blades we have the following scripts:
Copies all the patched files in the blade
folder to the windows location defined above.
Then it restarts the service if any of those files were changed
Set the Blade service to auto restart and start it.
Add a firewall rule to open the 9005
port needed to communicate with the Tractor engine.
Execute custom code on every log line
Added the ability to stop the process on errors that didn't return any error code (
!= 0
)exceptions = [ "CRASHED in RaiseException", "Building Embree Voxel Tree failed", "V-Ray: Exception in CORE", "Failed batch render", "V-Ray encountered fatal error", "Error opening these alembic files", ] # ... if any([(exception in textline) for exception in self.exceptions]): return (self.TR_LOG_FATAL_CODE, -1234, textline)
Added support for Blender progress style
in the flags to emit itFra:1 Mem:29.11M (Peak 29.39M) | Time:00:52.88 | Remaining:01:23.14 | Mem:7.77M, Peak:7.90M | Scene, View Layer | Rendered 46/128 Tiles
RE_BLENDER_PROGRESS = re.compile("Rendered ([0-9]+\/[0-9]+) Tiles") def extract_blender_progress(line): result = if result: ratio = rendered, total = ratio.split("/") return 100 * float(rendered) / float(total) return None
Blade parameters and main function
Changed progress emit interval to
for faster feedbackoptparser.add_option("--progresslimit", dest="progresslimit", type="float", default=0.1, metavar="SECS", help="max frequency of percent-done updates, in seconds")
Blade main event loop handling processes and kill...
See who requested a kill on a particular task (storing in an array like command ids to kill):
self.cidsToBeSweptReqBy = [] # ... # Line 1080 def checkPids(self, now): for c in self.activeCmds: cmd_tuple = (c.jid, "%d.%d" % (c.cid, c.rev)) if c.process and cmd_tuple in self.cidsToBeSwept: msg = "Received kill from Tractor engine (requested by %s) (spooled by %s) pid=%d" % (reqby, c.logref, msg ) c.SaveOutput( msg )
Responsible for handling the command itself
Handle the command process
Ability to properly kill a process running in a Rez environment.
See: AcademySoftwareFoundation/rez#1250
On Windows it kills the whole process tree instead of just the Rez process.
# line 581 def send_signal(self, sig): if subprocess.mswindows:['taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str(])
Responsible for the blade information and system
Change the resolution order of GPU on Windows
It executes
wmic path win32_VideoController get name
which returns the following:Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
Previously it was taking the last GPU on the list
Now if it takes an
it has the priority over other cards:def resolveGPU_Windows(self, argv, exclusions): # ... n = 0 id = None for x in r.strip().split(b"\n"): x = x.strip() if x != b"Name": n += 1 if id is None or not b"NVIDIA" in id: id = x