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UniFi API Client Reference

This document provides a comprehensive reference for all public methods available in the UniFi API Client class. We do our best to keep this document up-to-date with the latest version of the API client.

Table of Contents

  1. Connection Management
  2. Client Management
  3. Access Point Management
  4. AP Group Management
  5. Site Management
  6. Network Management
  7. User Management
  8. User Group Management
  9. Guest Management
  10. Firewall Management
  11. Routing and Health
  12. Device Management
  13. Tag Management
  14. Rogue AP Management
  15. Backup Management
  16. Admin Management
  17. WLAN Group Management
  18. DNS Management
  19. System Management
  20. Statistics
  21. Debug and Utility Methods

Connection Management


public function __construct(
    string $user,
    string $password,
    string $baseurl = '',
    ?string $site = 'default',
    ?string $version = '8.0.28',
    bool $ssl_verify = false,
    string $unificookie_name = 'unificookie'

Creates a new instance of the UniFi API client.


  • $user (string): Username for the UniFi controller
  • $password (string): Password for the UniFi controller
  • $baseurl (string): Base URL of the UniFi controller (must include 'https://' prefix)
  • $site (string|null): Short site name to access (default: 'default')
  • $version (string|null): Controller version number (default: '8.0.28')
  • $ssl_verify (bool): Whether to validate SSL certificate (default: false)
  • $unificookie_name (string): Name of the cookie to use (default: 'unificookie')


  • CurlExtensionNotLoadedException
  • InvalidBaseUrlException
  • InvalidSiteNameException


public function login(): bool

Logs in to the UniFi controller.

Returns: bool - true upon successful login


  • LoginFailedException
  • CurlTimeoutException
  • CurlGeneralErrorException


public function logout(): bool

Logs out from the UniFi controller.

Returns: bool - true upon success


  • CurlGeneralErrorException
  • CurlTimeoutException

Client Management

List Clients

public function list_clients(?string $mac = null, ?string $site_id = null): array

Lists all clients or a specific client.


  • $mac (string|null): MAC address of the client to list
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: array - Array of client objects

Block Client

public function block_sta(string $mac, ?string $site_id = null): bool

Blocks a client from accessing the network.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client to block
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: bool - true upon success

Unblock Client

public function unblock_sta(string $mac, ?string $site_id = null): bool

Unblocks a client from accessing the network.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client to unblock
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: bool - true upon success

Reconnect Client

public function reconnect_sta(string $mac): bool

Reconnects a client to the network.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client to reconnect

Returns: bool - true upon success

Forget Client

public function forget_sta(string $mac): bool

Removes a client from the controller's memory.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client to forget

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Client Note

public function set_sta_note(string $user_id, string $note = ''): bool

Sets a note for a specific client.


  • $user_id (string): ID of the client
  • $note (string): Note to set (default: empty string)

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Client Name

public function set_sta_name(string $user_id, string $name = ''): bool

Sets the name for a specific client.


  • $user_id (string): ID of the client
  • $name (string): Name to set (default: empty string)

Returns: bool - true upon success

List Active Clients

public function list_active_clients(bool $include_traffic_usage = true, bool $include_unifi_devices = true): array

Lists all currently active clients.


  • $include_traffic_usage (bool): Whether to include traffic usage information (default: true)
  • $include_unifi_devices (bool): Whether to include UniFi devices (default: true)

Returns: array - Array of active client objects

List Client History

public function list_clients_history(bool $only_non_blocked = true, bool $include_unifi_devices = true, int $within_hours = 0): array

Lists historical client information.


  • $only_non_blocked (bool): Whether to only show non-blocked clients (default: true)
  • $include_unifi_devices (bool): Whether to include UniFi devices (default: true)
  • $within_hours (int): Hours of history to retrieve (default: 0)

Returns: array - Array of historical client objects

List Fingerprint Devices

public function list_fingerprint_devices(int $fingerprint_source = 0): array

Lists devices identified by fingerprinting.


  • $fingerprint_source (int): Source of fingerprint data (default: 0)

Returns: array - Array of fingerprint device objects

Set Client User Group

public function set_usergroup(string $client_id, string $group_id): bool

Sets the user group for a client.


  • $client_id (string): ID of the client
  • $group_id (string): ID of the user group to assign

Returns: bool - true upon success

Edit Client Fixed IP

public function edit_client_fixedip(string $client_id, bool $use_fixedip, ?string $network_id = null, ?string $fixed_ip = null): bool

Configures fixed IP settings for a client.


  • $client_id (string): ID of the client
  • $use_fixedip (bool): Whether to use a fixed IP
  • $network_id (string|null): ID of the network to use
  • $fixed_ip (string|null): Fixed IP address to assign

Returns: bool - true upon success

Edit Client Name

public function edit_client_name(string $client_id, string $name): bool

Edits the name of a client.


  • $client_id (string): ID of the client
  • $name (string): New name for the client

Returns: bool - true upon success

Access Point Management

List Access Points

public function list_aps(?string $mac = null, ?string $site_id = null): array

Lists all access points or a specific access point.


  • $mac (string|null): MAC address of the AP to list
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: array - Array of access point objects

Set AP Radio Settings

public function set_ap_radiosettings(
    string $ap_id,
    ?string $radio = null,
    ?string $channel = null,
    ?string $ht = null,
    ?string $tx_power_mode = null,
    ?string $tx_power = null,
    ?string $site_id = null
): bool

Configures radio settings for an access point.


  • $ap_id (string): ID of the access point
  • $radio (string|null): Radio to configure ('ng' or 'na')
  • $channel (string|null): Channel to set
  • $ht (string|null): HT mode to set
  • $tx_power_mode (string|null): TX power mode to set
  • $tx_power (string|null): TX power level to set
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: bool - true upon success

AP Group Management

List AP Groups

public function list_apgroups(): array

Lists all AP groups.

Returns: array - Array of AP group objects

Create AP Group

public function create_apgroup(string $group_name, array $device_macs = []): bool

Creates a new AP group.


  • $group_name (string): Name of the new group
  • $device_macs (array): Array of MAC addresses of APs to include in the group

Returns: bool - true upon success

Edit AP Group

public function edit_apgroup(string $group_id, string $group_name, array $device_macs): bool

Edits an existing AP group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to edit
  • $group_name (string): New name for the group
  • $device_macs (array): Array of MAC addresses of APs to include in the group

Returns: bool - true upon success

Delete AP Group

public function delete_apgroup(string $group_id): bool

Deletes an AP group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

Site Management

List Sites

public function list_sites(): array

Lists all sites available to the current user.

Returns: array - Array of site objects

Create Site

public function create_site(string $name, string $desc = ''): bool

Creates a new site.


  • $name (string): Name of the new site
  • $desc (string): Description of the new site

Returns: bool - true upon success

Delete Site

public function delete_site(string $site_id): bool

Deletes a site.


  • $site_id (string): ID of the site to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Name

public function set_site_name(string $site_name): bool

Sets the name of the current site.


  • $site_name (string): New name for the site

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Country

public function set_site_country(string $country_id, $payload): bool

Sets the country settings for the current site.


  • $country_id (string): ID of the country settings
  • $payload (mixed): Country configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Locale

public function set_site_locale(string $locale_id, $payload): bool

Sets the locale settings for the current site.


  • $locale_id (string): ID of the locale settings
  • $payload (mixed): Locale configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site SNMP

public function set_site_snmp(string $snmp_id, $payload): bool

Sets the SNMP settings for the current site.


  • $snmp_id (string): ID of the SNMP settings
  • $payload (mixed): SNMP configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Management

public function set_site_mgmt(string $mgmt_id, $payload): bool

Sets the management settings for the current site.


  • $mgmt_id (string): ID of the management settings
  • $payload (mixed): Management configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Guest Access

public function set_site_guest_access(string $guest_access_id, $payload): bool

Sets the guest access settings for the current site.


  • $guest_access_id (string): ID of the guest access settings
  • $payload (mixed): Guest access configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site NTP

public function set_site_ntp(string $ntp_id, $payload): bool

Sets the NTP settings for the current site.


  • $ntp_id (string): ID of the NTP settings
  • $payload (mixed): NTP configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Site Connectivity

public function set_site_connectivity(string $connectivity_id, $payload): bool

Sets the connectivity settings for the current site.


  • $connectivity_id (string): ID of the connectivity settings
  • $payload (mixed): Connectivity configuration data

Returns: bool - true upon success

Network Management

List Networks

public function list_networks(?string $site_id = null): array

Lists all networks or networks for a specific site.


  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: array - Array of network objects

Create Network

public function create_network(
    string $name,
    string $vlan_id,
    string $purpose = 'corporate',
    ?string $subnet = null,
    ?string $dhcpd_enabled = null,
    ?string $dhcpd_start = null,
    ?string $dhcpd_stop = null,
    ?string $dhcpd_leasetime = null,
    ?string $site_id = null
): bool

Creates a new network.


  • $name (string): Name of the new network
  • $vlan_id (string): VLAN ID for the network
  • $purpose (string): Purpose of the network (default: 'corporate')
  • $subnet (string|null): Subnet for the network
  • $dhcpd_enabled (string|null): Whether DHCP is enabled
  • $dhcpd_start (string|null): DHCP start address
  • $dhcpd_stop (string|null): DHCP stop address
  • $dhcpd_leasetime (string|null): DHCP lease time
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: bool - true upon success

User Management

List Users

public function list_users(?string $site_id = null): array

Lists all users or users for a specific site.


  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: array - Array of user objects

Create User

public function create_user(
    string $name,
    string $mac,
    ?string $hostname = null,
    ?string $note = null,
    ?string $site_id = null
): bool

Creates a new user.


  • $name (string): Name of the new user
  • $mac (string): MAC address of the user
  • $hostname (string|null): Hostname of the user
  • $note (string|null): Note about the user
  • $site_id (string|null): Site ID to use (default: current site)

Returns: bool - true upon success

User Group Management

List User Groups

public function list_usergroups(): array

Lists all user groups.

Returns: array - Array of user group objects

Create User Group

public function create_usergroup(string $group_name, int $group_dn = -1, int $group_up = -1): bool

Creates a new user group.


  • $group_name (string): Name of the new group
  • $group_dn (int): Download speed limit in Kbps (default: -1 for unlimited)
  • $group_up (int): Upload speed limit in Kbps (default: -1 for unlimited)

Returns: bool - true upon success

Edit User Group

public function edit_usergroup(string $group_id, string $site_id, string $group_name, int $group_dn = -1, int $group_up = -1): bool

Edits an existing user group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to edit
  • $site_id (string): ID of the site
  • $group_name (string): New name for the group
  • $group_dn (int): Download speed limit in Kbps (default: -1 for unlimited)
  • $group_up (int): Upload speed limit in Kbps (default: -1 for unlimited)

Returns: bool - true upon success

Delete User Group

public function delete_usergroup(string $group_id): bool

Deletes a user group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

Guest Management

List Guests

public function list_guests(int $within = 8760): array

Lists all guest clients.


  • $within (int): Hours of history to retrieve (default: 8760)

Returns: array - Array of guest client objects

Authorize Guest

public function authorize_guest(string $mac, int $minutes, ?int $up = null, ?int $down = null, ?int $megabytes = null, ?string $ap_mac = null): bool

Authorizes a guest client to access the network.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the guest client
  • $minutes (int): Duration of authorization in minutes
  • $up (int|null): Upload speed limit in Kbps
  • $down (int|null): Download speed limit in Kbps
  • $megabytes (int|null): Data usage limit in MB
  • $ap_mac (string|null): MAC address of specific AP to connect to

Returns: bool - true upon success

Unauthorize Guest

public function unauthorize_guest(string $mac): bool

Revokes guest client authorization.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the guest client

Returns: bool - true upon success

Firewall Management

List Firewall Groups

public function list_firewallgroups(string $group_id = ''): array

Lists all firewall groups or a specific group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of specific group to list (default: empty string)

Returns: array - Array of firewall group objects

Create Firewall Group

public function create_firewallgroup(string $group_name, string $group_type, array $group_members = []): bool

Creates a new firewall group.


  • $group_name (string): Name of the new group
  • $group_type (string): Type of the group
  • $group_members (array): Array of group members

Returns: bool - true upon success

Edit Firewall Group

public function edit_firewallgroup(string $group_id, string $site_id, string $group_name, string $group_type, array $group_members = []): bool

Edits an existing firewall group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to edit
  • $site_id (string): ID of the site
  • $group_name (string): New name for the group
  • $group_type (string): Type of the group
  • $group_members (array): Array of group members

Returns: bool - true upon success

Delete Firewall Group

public function delete_firewallgroup(string $group_id): bool

Deletes a firewall group.


  • $group_id (string): ID of the group to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

List Firewall Rules

public function list_firewallrules(): array

Lists all firewall rules.

Returns: array - Array of firewall rule objects

Routing and Health

List Routing

public function list_routing(string $route_id = ''): array

Lists all routing information or a specific route.


  • $route_id (string): ID of specific route to list (default: empty string)

Returns: array - Array of routing objects

List Health

public function list_health(): array

Lists system health information.

Returns: array - Array containing health information

List Dashboard

public function list_dashboard(bool $five_minutes = false): array

Lists dashboard information.


  • $five_minutes (bool): Whether to get 5-minute data (default: false)

Returns: array - Array containing dashboard information

Device Management

List Devices Basic

public function list_devices_basic(): array

Lists basic information about all devices.

Returns: array - Array of basic device information

List Devices

public function list_devices($macs = []): array

Lists detailed information about devices.


  • $macs (array): Array of MAC addresses of specific devices to list

Returns: array - Array of device objects

Tag Management

List Tags

public function list_tags(): array

Lists all tags.

Returns: array - Array of tag objects

Create Tag

public function create_tag(string $name, ?array $macs = null): bool

Creates a new tag.


  • $name (string): Name of the new tag
  • $macs (array|null): Array of MAC addresses to tag

Returns: bool - true upon success

Set Tagged Devices

public function set_tagged_devices(array $macs, string $tag_id): bool

Sets devices for a specific tag.


  • $macs (array): Array of MAC addresses to tag
  • $tag_id (string): ID of the tag

Returns: bool - true upon success

Get Tag

public function get_tag(string $tag_id): array

Retrieves information about a specific tag.


  • $tag_id (string): ID of the tag

Returns: array - Array containing tag information

Delete Tag

public function delete_tag(string $tag_id): bool

Deletes a tag.


  • $tag_id (string): ID of the tag to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

Rogue AP Management

List Rogue APs

public function list_rogueaps(int $within = 24): array

Lists rogue access points.


  • $within (int): Hours of history to retrieve (default: 24)

Returns: array - Array of rogue AP objects

List Known Rogue APs

public function list_known_rogueaps(): array

Lists known rogue access points.

Returns: array - Array of known rogue AP objects

Backup Management

Generate Backup

public function generate_backup(int $days = -1): array

Generates a backup of the controller.


  • $days (int): Number of days of history to include (default: -1)

Returns: array - Array containing backup information

Download Backup

public function download_backup(string $filepath): bool

Downloads a backup file.


  • $filepath (string): Path where to save the backup file

Returns: bool - true upon success

List Backups

public function list_backups(): array

Lists available backups.

Returns: array - Array of backup objects

Generate Site Backup

public function generate_backup_site(): array

Generates a backup of the current site.

Returns: array - Array containing site backup information

Admin Management

List Admins

public function list_admins(): array

Lists all administrators.

Returns: array - Array of admin objects

List All Admins

public function list_all_admins(): array

Lists all administrators including super admins.

Returns: array - Array of admin objects

Invite Admin

public function invite_admin(
    string $name,
    string $email,
    bool $for_super = false,
    ?string $cmd = null,
    ?string $role = null
): bool

Invites a new administrator.


  • $name (string): Name of the new admin
  • $email (string): Email address of the new admin
  • $for_super (bool): Whether to invite as super admin (default: false)
  • $cmd (string|null): Additional command parameters
  • $role (string|null): Role to assign

Returns: bool - true upon success

Assign Existing Admin

public function assign_existing_admin(
    string $admin_id,
    string $name,
    bool $for_super = false,
    ?string $cmd = null,
    ?string $role = null
): bool

Assigns an existing admin to a site.


  • $admin_id (string): ID of the admin
  • $name (string): Name of the admin
  • $for_super (bool): Whether to assign as super admin (default: false)
  • $cmd (string|null): Additional command parameters
  • $role (string|null): Role to assign

Returns: bool - true upon success

Update Admin

public function update_admin(
    string $admin_id,
    string $name,
    bool $for_super = false,
    ?string $cmd = null,
    ?string $role = null
): bool

Updates an administrator's settings.


  • $admin_id (string): ID of the admin to update
  • $name (string): New name for the admin
  • $for_super (bool): Whether to set as super admin (default: false)
  • $cmd (string|null): Additional command parameters
  • $role (string|null): Role to assign

Returns: bool - true upon success

Revoke Admin

public function revoke_admin(string $admin_id): bool

Revokes an administrator's access.


  • $admin_id (string): ID of the admin to revoke

Returns: bool - true upon success

Delete Admin

public function delete_admin(string $admin_id): bool

Deletes an administrator.


  • $admin_id (string): ID of the admin to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

WLAN Group Management

List WLAN Groups

public function list_wlan_groups(): array

Lists all WLAN groups.

Returns: array - Array of WLAN group objects

DNS Management

List DNS Records

public function list_dns_records(): ?array

Lists all DNS records configured in the UniFi controller.

Returns: array|null - Array of DNS record objects, or null if no records exist

Create DNS Record

public function create_dns_record(string $record_type, string $value, string $key, ?int $ttl = null, bool $enabled = true): ?object

Creates a new DNS record in the UniFi controller.


  • $record_type (string): Type of DNS record (e.g., 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', etc.)
  • $value (string): Value of the DNS record
  • $key (string): Key/name for the DNS record
  • $ttl (int|null): Time-to-live value in seconds (default: null)
  • $enabled (bool): Whether the record is enabled (default: true)

Returns: object|null - Created DNS record object, or null if creation failed

Delete DNS Record

public function delete_dns_record(string $record_id): bool

Deletes a DNS record from the UniFi controller.


  • $record_id (string): ID of the DNS record to delete

Returns: bool - true upon success

System Management

List Device Name Mappings

public function list_device_name_mappings(): array

Lists device name mappings.

Returns: array - Array of device name mapping objects

List Self

public function list_self(): array

Lists information about the current user.

Returns: array - Array containing current user information


Site Statistics

public function stat_5minutes_site(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_hourly_site(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_daily_site(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_monthly_site(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array

Retrieves site statistics at different time intervals.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $attribs (array|null): Array of attributes to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing site statistics

Access Point Statistics

public function stat_5minutes_aps(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?string $mac = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_hourly_aps(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?string $mac = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_daily_aps(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?string $mac = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_monthly_aps(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?string $mac = null, ?array $attribs = null): array

Retrieves access point statistics at different time intervals.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $mac (string|null): MAC address of specific AP
  • $attribs (array|null): Array of attributes to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing AP statistics

User Statistics

public function stat_5minutes_user(?string $mac = null, ?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_hourly_user(?string $mac = null, ?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_daily_user(?string $mac = null, ?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_monthly_user(?string $mac = null, ?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array

Retrieves user statistics at different time intervals.


  • $mac (string|null): MAC address of specific user
  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $attribs (array|null): Array of attributes to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing user statistics

Gateway Statistics

public function stat_5minutes_gateway(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_hourly_gateway(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_daily_gateway(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array
public function stat_monthly_gateway(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?array $attribs = null): array

Retrieves gateway statistics at different time intervals.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $attribs (array|null): Array of attributes to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing gateway statistics

Speed Test Results

public function stat_speedtest_results(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null): array

Retrieves speed test results.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp

Returns: array - Array containing speed test results

IPS Events

public function stat_ips_events(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?int $limit = null): array

Retrieves IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) events.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $limit (int|null): Maximum number of events to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing IPS events


public function stat_sessions(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null, ?string $mac = null, ?string $type = 'all'): array

Retrieves session information.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp
  • $mac (string|null): MAC address of specific client
  • $type (string): Type of sessions to retrieve (default: 'all')

Returns: array - Array containing session information

Latest Client Sessions

public function stat_sta_sessions_latest(string $mac, ?int $limit = null): array

Retrieves the latest sessions for a specific client.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client
  • $limit (int|null): Maximum number of sessions to retrieve

Returns: array - Array containing latest client sessions

Authentication Events

public function stat_auths(?int $start = null, ?int $end = null): array

Retrieves authentication events.


  • $start (int|null): Start time in Unix timestamp
  • $end (int|null): End time in Unix timestamp

Returns: array - Array containing authentication events

All Users

public function stat_allusers(int $historyhours = 8760): array

Retrieves information about all users.


  • $historyhours (int): Hours of history to retrieve (default: 8760)

Returns: array - Array containing user information

Client Statistics

public function stat_client(string $mac): array

Retrieves statistics for a specific client.


  • $mac (string): MAC address of the client

Returns: array - Array containing client statistics

System Status

public function stat_status(): bool
public function stat_full_status(): array

Retrieves system status information.


  • stat_status(): bool - true if system is operational
  • stat_full_status(): array - Array containing detailed system status

Voucher Statistics

public function stat_voucher(?int $create_time = null): array

Retrieves voucher statistics.


  • $create_time (int|null): Creation time of specific voucher

Returns: array - Array containing voucher statistics

Payment Statistics

public function stat_payment(?int $within = null): array

Retrieves payment statistics.


  • $within (int|null): Time window in seconds

Returns: array - Array containing payment statistics

Debug and Utility Methods

Set Debug Mode

public function set_debug(bool $debug): void

Enables or disables debug mode.


  • $debug (bool): Whether to enable debug mode

Get Last Error Message

public function get_last_error_message(): string

Retrieves the last error message.

Returns: string - Last error message

Get Last Results

public function get_last_results_raw(): mixed

Retrieves the last raw results from the API.

Returns: mixed - Last raw results

Get Cookies

public function get_cookies(): string

Retrieves the current cookies.

Returns: string - Current cookies

Get Cookie Creation Time

public function get_cookies_created_at(): int

Retrieves the timestamp when the cookies were created.

Returns: int - Timestamp of cookie creation

Get Base URL

public function get_baseurl(): string

Retrieves the base URL of the UniFi controller.

Returns: string - Base URL

Get Site

public function get_site(): string

Retrieves the current site name.

Returns: string - Current site name

Get Version

public function get_version(): string

Retrieves the controller version.

Returns: string - Controller version

Get Class Version

public function get_class_version(): string

Retrieves the version of this API client class.

Returns: string - Class version