This repository contains our notebook demonstrating simple time series forecasting using the ARIMA-GARCH model on daily sales recorded at the ION Orchard branch of Havaiianas. The notebook is revenue-forecast.ipynb
but you may jump to it by clicking on this link.
The following notebook makes use of the cleaned sales dashboard data obtained from the ION Orchard store. Data covers information on daily sales, revenue, profits, conversion and other similar retail statistics every day, from Monday, January 1, 2018, to Sunday, July 29 of the same year. The data has been included in the repository for easy access, but up to date version is best accessed through our Kaggle datasets [link pending]
Code found in this repository is licensed under the MIT License, which gives users the right to use, download, or modify the content conditional on proper and ethical attribution. Licensing of our dataset is separate and can be found on its counterpart Kaggle page.