Team Name: Code Bashers
Project Owner: Kawsar Project
Team Members: Aaron Barlow, David Beverley, Grant Watson, Josiah Smythe, Justin Cathelyn, and Thomas Burtner
Scrum Master: David Beverley
Product Owners: Aaron Barlow & Josiah Smythe
Patients submit their food intake, blood glucose level and exercise information from their phone applications and doctors can view those information graphically from a phone application or web app
Languages: JavaScript & CSS
Frameworks: React & React Native
Libraries: React Native Paper, Firebase, DataTable, React Timeseries Charts, React Native Chart Kit, React Icons, and Pond.js
Pre-Conditions: Must have node.js install and have the expo app on your phone
1) Download the glucose tracker zip file and extract it
2) In file explorer inside of the GlucoseTracker file and type cmd in the top bar
3) Install react by running the command “npm install react-native"
4) Once installed run the command “npm start”
5) After a short while, there should be a QR code. Scan the code with the expo app for Android or with the camera app for iPhone
6) Allow the application to build and it will start automatically
1) Download the glucose tracker zip file and extract it
2) In file explorer inside of the GlucoseTracker\web and type cmd in the top bar
3) Install react by running the command “npm install react-native"
4) Once installed run the command “npm start”
5) The application will build and then open up in your web browser
Web: (1) Follow the Running Mobile and Web App
guideline, (2) Host on a Linux server, and (3) run npm start
in the web
Android: expo build:android
IOS: expo build:ios
Patient Login | Patient SignUp | Patient Settings Page |
Glucose List | Add Glucose | Add Nutrition | Add Exercise |