Please checkout this one with Node.js support! :)
- django - backend
- yarn - dependency manager
- gulp - task runner
- materialize - a modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design
- sass - CSS pre-processors
- postcss - CSS post-processor
- webpack 2 - module bundler
- webpack-dev-server - provides fast in-memory access to the webpack assets for live reloading
- followed ES6 standard
- babel - compile ES6 to ES5
- react - building user interfaces
- react-hot-loader 3 - hot module reload!
- react-router - routing
- react-redux - the official react bindings for redux (a predictable state container for js apps)
- react-router-redux - keep react-router and redux in sync
- Typescript - a typed superset of javascript that scales
- DefinitelyTyped - high quality TypeScript type definitions
- editorconfig - maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs
- eslint - lint javascript files (.js, .jsx)
- tslint - lint typescript files (.ts, .tsx)
- stylelint - lint style files (.css, .scss)
- pylint - lint python files (.py)
- postgresql - advanced open source database
- prismjs - code syntax highlight
- jest - painless javascript testing
- coveralls - test coverage
- husky - git hooks
- travis-ci - continuous integration tool for testing and deployment
- docker - the open-source application container engine
(recommended) ornpm
python 3.6.0
- Tip: you can use
to manage your different versions of python
- Tip: you can use
or other databases
Install yarn follows official documentation.
Install pyenv follows official documentation.
Go to project root directory:
yarn global add gulp
If you meet permission problem when try to install yarn globally, check this out.
If you don't have python 3.6.0 installed, you can choose to use pyenv
brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.6.0
pyenv local 3.6.0
After that, create a virtual python environment using python 3.6.0, naming the folder as pyenv
which has been added to .gitignore
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 pyenv
Source your virtualenv and install the required package through pip
source pyenv/bin/activate
pip install -r backend/requirements.txt
vim backend/project_name/
You probably want to change:
- Database Config
- Timezone
- Cache Method
- Others
(if you are using postgresql
, then create a user called django
with django
database, and the default setting is good to go, otherwise you may need to install database driver for your own database)
On development (with react-hot-reload):
On production (with uglify-js and other optimazitions):
NODE_ENV=production gulp
cd backend
On development:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
On production:
vim project_name/
to False
python makemigrations
python migrate
python collectstatic
# Setup Apache or Nginx to support static files here
python runserver
yarn test
yarn coveralls
MIT License