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131 lines (111 loc) · 4.67 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (111 loc) · 4.67 KB

customize-me 🧩♻

Create native custom elements using Typescript without using any third party libraries and dependencies.

⛓ See in NPM ⛓

npm install customize-me --save


yarn add customize-me --save


import { CustomizeMe } from 'customize-me';

  selector: 'action-button',
  template: '<button>Click me!!</button>',
  style: ` :host { color: #333 }`,
  useShadow: true // for making components and their styles encapsulated
export class ActionButton extends HTMLElement {
  // full source code is at example/action-button
  constructor() {
  onButtonClick() {
    // Do some actions

Add your file wth custom element into HTML file or Import in your Main JS file

<script src="action-button.js"></script>


// main.js
import './action-button';

Define element in HTML



Decorator Target Parameters Description
@Prop() property - custom property, triggering @Watch, reflects primitive properties to Reactive
@Dispatch() property (event, eventTarget?) used to declare a CustomEvent which you could dispatch using the .emit method of its type EventEmitter. The event parameter is used to set the name of the CustomEvent. eventTarget is used to set manually element where need to emit the event
@Watch() method (property) triggers the method when a property is changed. (property should be defined with @Prop decorator)
@Listen() method (eventName, selector?) listens to an event or custom event on the host element or on the selector if specified

@Prop(), @Watch() and {{}} notation

Since message was defined with @Prop() its value change event can be watched using @Watch() decorator, and we can see its initial value inside template using {{ mesage }} notation

import { CustomizeMe, Prop, Watch } from 'customize-me';

  selector: 'header-box',
  template: `{{ message }} World!`
export class HeaderBox extends HTMLElement {
  onMessageChange(value: string) {
    console.log('Message changed ->', value);

  public message = 'Hello';

In future reactive binding...


Creating a custom event

import { CustomizeMe, Dispatch, Listen } from 'customize-me';
import { EventEmitter } from 'customize-me/global/types';
export class ActionButton extends HTMLElement {
  // Creating a CustomEvent named  `onInstall`
  @Dispatch('onInstall', document.getElementById('info-box'))
  installEvent: EventEmitter;
  // Creating a CustomEvent with name `onHover`, property name by default 
  @Dispatch() onHover: EventEmitter;

Triggering the custom event from the example above:

  triggerOnChange() {
    // adding more data to the event object
    this.installEvent.emit({ detail: 'install event triggered' });
    this.onHover.emit({ detail: 'hover!!' });


Listen has parameters eventName and selector. EventName is any valid javascript event or can be custom event name. Selector is optional, by defining it method would be triggered only for setted Child Selector. It works as querySelector()

import { CustomizeMe, Listen } from 'customize-me';
export class ActionButton extends HTMLElement {
  buttonClicked(e: Event | CustomEvent) {
    // triggers when the element is clicked

  anotherEventTriggered(e: Event | CustomEvent) {
    // triggers when an `anotherEvent` dispatched from another custom element like
	//... @Dispatch('anotherEvent', document.getElementById('actionButton'))

Thanks for reading to the end :)