group :test do gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.5' gem 'database_cleaner' gem 'factory_bot_rails' gem 'faker' end
Config for spec/support path
Add this code for class in spec/support
# spec/rails_helper.rb Dir[Rails.root.join('spec/support/**/*.rb')].each { |f| require f }
$ mkdir spec/support/ $ touch spec/support/api_helper.rb $ touch spec/support/database_cleaner.rb $ touch spec/support/factory_bot.rb
# spec/support/api_helper.rb module ApiHelper def authenticated_header(options) user = options[:user] token = JsonWebToken.encode(user_id: user.id) if options[:user] and options[:request] request = options[:request] request.headers.merge!('Authorization': "Bearer #{token}") else {"Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}"} end end end # spec/support/database_cleaner.rb RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:suite) do DatabaseCleaner.clean_with(:truncation) end config.before(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction end config.before(:each, :js => true) do DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation end config.before(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.start end config.after(:each) do DatabaseCleaner.clean end end # spec/support/factory_bot.rb RSpec.configure do |config| config.include FactoryBot::Syntax::Methods end
# spec/factories/user.rb FactoryBot.define do factory :post do body { Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart } user { :user } end end # spec/factories/user.rb FactoryBot.define do factory :user do name { Faker::Name.name } username { name } email { Faker::Internet.email } password { Faker::Internet.password } end end
# spec/requests/posts_spec.rb require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe PostsController, type: :routing do describe "routing" do it "routes to #index" do expect(:get => "/api/v1/posts").to route_to("api/v1/posts#index") end it "routes to #show" do expect(:get => "/api/v1/posts/1").to route_to("api/v1/posts#show", :id => "1") end it "routes to #create" do expect(:post => "/api/v1/posts").to route_to("api/v1/posts#create") end it "routes to #update via PUT" do expect(:put => "/api/v1/posts/1").to route_to("api/v1/posts#update", :id => "1") end it "routes to #update via PATCH" do expect(:patch => "/api/v1/posts/1").to route_to("api/v1/posts#update", :id => "1") end it "routes to #destroy" do expect(:delete => "/api/v1/posts/1").to route_to("api/v1/posts#destroy", :id => "1") end end end
if you don't have spec controller, request
you can get scaffold coderails generate rspec:scaffold post
# spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe PostsController, type: :controller do include ApiHelper # This should return the minimal set of attributes required to create a valid # Post. As you add validations to Post, be sure to # adjust the attributes here as well. let(:user){ create(:user) } # let(:post){ # create(:post) # } let(:posts) { create_list(:post, 20) } let(:valid_attributes) { {body: "sample body", user_id: user.id} } let(:invalid_attributes) { {body: "", user_id: user.id} } # This should return the minimal set of values that should be in the session # in order to pass any filters (e.g. authentication) defined in # PostsController. Be sure to keep this updated too. let(:valid_session) { {} } describe "GET #index" do it "returns a success response" do authenticated_header(request: request, user: user) get :index, params: {}, session: valid_session expect(response).to be_successful end end describe "GET #show" do it "returns a success response" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(request: request, user: user) get :show, params: {id: post.to_param}, session: valid_session expect(response).to be_successful end end describe "POST #create" do context "with valid params" do it "creates a new Post" do authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) expect { post :create, params: {post: valid_attributes}, session: valid_session }.to change(Post, :count).by(1) end it "renders a JSON response with the new post" do authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) post :create, params: {post: valid_attributes}, session: valid_session expect(response).to have_http_status(:created) expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json') expect(response.location).to eq(api_v1_post_url(Post.last)) end end context "with invalid params" do it "renders a JSON response with errors for the new post" do authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) post :create, params: {post: invalid_attributes}, session: valid_session expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json') end end end describe "PUT #update" do context "with valid params" do let(:new_attributes) { {body: "sample body 222", user_id: user.id} } it "updates the requested post" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) put :update, params: {id: post.to_param, post: new_attributes}, session: valid_session post.reload expect(post.body).to eq(new_attributes[:body]) end it "renders a JSON response with the post" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) put :update, params: {id: post.to_param, post: valid_attributes}, session: valid_session expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json') end end context "with invalid params" do it "renders a JSON response with errors for the post" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) put :update, params: {id: post.to_param, post: invalid_attributes}, session: valid_session expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity) expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json') end end context "with invalid Authorize" do let(:another_user){ create(:user) } it "renders a JSON response with errors (http code 403, Forbidden) for the post" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(user: another_user, request: request) put :update, params: {id: post.to_param, post: invalid_attributes}, session: valid_session expect(response).to have_http_status(:forbidden) expect(response.content_type).to include('application/json') end end end describe "DELETE #destroy" do it "destroys the requested post" do post = Post.create! valid_attributes authenticated_header(user: user, request: request) expect { delete :destroy, params: {id: post.to_param}, session: valid_session }.to change(Post, :count).by(-1) end end end
database initialize
$ rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rspec
$ bundle exec rspec --format documentation
AuthenticationController POST #login with valid email, password Login Success with invalid params Login Fails Login Fails with wrong email Login Fails with wrong password CommentsController GET #index returns a success response GET #show returns a success response POST #create with valid params creates a new Comment renders a JSON response with the new comment with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the new comment PUT #update with valid params updates the requested comment renders a JSON response with the comment with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the comment with invalid Authorize renders a JSON response with errors (http code 403, Forbidden) for the post DELETE #destroy destroys the requested comment PostsController GET #index returns a success response GET #show returns a success response POST #create with valid params creates a new Post renders a JSON response with the new post with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the new post PUT #update with valid params updates the requested post renders a JSON response with the post with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the post with invalid Authorize renders a JSON response with errors (http code 403, Forbidden) for the post DELETE #destroy destroys the requested post UsersController GET #index returns a success response GET #show returns a success response POST #create with valid params creates a new User renders a JSON response with the new user with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the new user PUT #update with valid params updates the requested user renders a JSON response with the user with invalid params renders a JSON response with errors for the user DELETE #destroy destroys the requested user Posts GET /posts works! (now write some real specs) AuthenticationController routing routes to #login CommentsController routing routes to #index routes to #show routes to #create routes to #update via PUT routes to #update via PATCH routes to #destroy PostsController routing routes to #index routes to #show routes to #create routes to #update via PUT routes to #update via PATCH routes to #destroy UsersController routing routes to #index routes to #show routes to #create routes to #update via PUT routes to #update via PATCH routes to #destroy Finished in 1.76 seconds (files took 1.65 seconds to load) 53 examples, 0 failures