- xLSTM: Extended Long Short-Term Memory, paper
- Vision-LSTM: xLSTM as Generic Vision Backbone, paper, github
- xLSTM-FER: Enhancing Student Expression Recognition with Extended Vision Long Short-Term Memory Network, paper
- CDXFormer: Boosting Remote Sensing Change Detection with Extended Long Short-Term Memory, paper
- MAL: Cluster-Masked and Multi-Task Pretraining for Enhanced xLSTM Vision Performance, paper
- Seg-LSTM: Performance of xLSTM for Semantic Segmentation of Remotely Sensed Images, paper, github
- Are Vision xLSTM Embedded UNet More Reliable in Medical 3D Image Segmentation?, paper, github
- xLSTM-Unet can be an Effective 2D & 3D Medical Image Segmentation Backbone, paper, github
- Enhancing Autism Spectrum Disorder Early Detection with the Parent-Child Dyads Block-Play Protocol and an Attention-enhanced GCN-xLSTM Hybrid Deep Learning Framework, paper
- When Mamba Meets xLSTM: An Efficient and Precise Method with the XLSTM-VMUNet Model for Skin lesion Segmentation, paper, github
- XLSTM-HVED: Cross-Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation and MRI Reconstruction Method Using Vision XLSTM and Heteromodal Variational Encoder-Decoder, paper, github
- xLSTMTime : Long-term Time Series Forecasting With xLSTM, paper, github
- Unlocking the Power of LSTM for Long Term Time Series Forecasting, paper
- An Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Stock Market Trend Prediction, paper
- Xlstm-Mixer: Multivariate Time Series Forecasting by Mixing via Scalar Memories, paper, github
- Audio xLSTMs: Learning Self-supervised audio representations with xLSTMs, paper
- xLSTM-SENet: xLSTM for Single-Channel Speech Enhancement, paper, github
- A Large Recurrent Action Model: xLSTM enables Fast Inference for Robotics Tasks, paper
- Bio-XLSTM: Generative Modeling, Representation and In-Context Learning of Biological Sequences and Chemical Sequences, paper