- python
- requests
- PyAutoGUI
- pillow
- openCV
- twitchChatIrc
- pynput
- twitchio
- obs
- obs-websocket
- obs-websocket-py
- pyttsx3
- download the .zip
- unzip the folder and open config.ini in a text editor
- fill in each line for each section you plan on using
- if you're using chatPlays.py be sure to change the controller to fit whatever game you're using it for
- once you have the config set up can run the script
- log into your dev account
- go to "name's Console" then "Applications"
- click "Register Application" and fill out all the information boxes however you want but add "http://localhost/" as the redirect url
- go back to "Applications" then click "Manage" on the one you just made
- you should see "Client ID" near the bottom of the page
- paste said id into the twitch client id section in the python file
- paste "https://id.twitch.tv/oauth2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&redirect_uri=http://localhost/&response_type=token&scope=viewing_activity_read+channel:manage:raids+chat:edit+chat:read+moderator:manage:banned_users+moderator:read:chatters+channel:manage:moderators" into your browser
- replace "CLIENT_ID_HERE" with your id and go to the url
- you should be redirected to a new url that contains "access_token="
- copy and paste that long ass string into the twitch access token section
- login to spotify developers and go to your dashboard
- click "Create App" and set http://localhost:8888/callback as the redirect url
- go to the app then click "Settings" and you should see "Client ID" and "Client secret" near the top
- paste these into your config file at their respective locations
- refresh token will be generated by the script so leave it blank for now
- open obs and click on "Tools" at the top
- if you installed obs-websockets correctly there should be a "WebSockets Sever Settings (4.x) Compat" button in the dropdown
- click it and make sure it the "Enable Websockets server" box is checked as well as the "Enable authentication" box
- change the "Password" field to whatever password you want then update the respective line in the config file
- in whatever scene you want the tts to show in, create two text sources called "tts body" and "tts header"
- style these however you want but make sure to check the "Read from file" tbox in the properties menu and give it the directories of ttsHeader.txt or ttsBody.txt respectively
- do the same with another text source but called "snack status" for snackStatus.txt
- login to tiltify developers
- click "Create application" and enter "https://localhost/" as the redirect url
- once the app is created, scroll down and you should see "Client ID" and "Client Secret" at the bottom
- paste these into the config file
- go to "https://v5api.tiltify.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F&response_type=code&scope=public" after replacing "CLIENT_ID_HERE" with yours
- paste the text after "code=" in the url into the config file
- login to discord developers
- make a new application for each discord bot you're using
- in the app's bot settings right under username click to make a token then paste it into the config