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Current issues

Kerstin Arnold edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 2 revisions

GitHub includes a list view of all current issues. In addition, this current page presents various options to group these issues for ease of access.

Grouped by EAG2012 sections and ISDIAH areas

By EAG2012 section
(see Tag Library for details)
By ISDIAH area
<control> and its subelements
These are elements that contain information concerning the EAG XML file itself and its maintenance.
Control area
This includes a unique identification of the description of the institution with archival holdings and information on how, when and by which agency the description was created and maintained
<identity> and its subelements
These are elements to identify the institution with archival holdings (identifiers, names, types).
Identity area
This area includes information which uniquely identifies the institution with archival holdings and which defines standardised access points
<desc> and its subelements
These are elements to describe the institution with archival holdings and its services (contact details, history, holdings, etc.)
Contact area
This includes information on how to contact the institution with archival holdings
Description area
This includes information about the history, current structure and collecting policies of the institution with archival holdings
Access area
This includes information about how to access the institution with archival holdings: public opening hours, any restrictions to access, etc.
Services area
This includes information about the technical services offered by the institution with archival holdings
<relations> and its subelements
These are elements that put the institution with archival holdings in relation to other institutions and other resources.

Grouped by type of element or change