Utility to execute tasks in forked processes. Highly inspired by jest-worker
File worker.ts
export async function heavyTask(param: string): Promise<string> {
// using workers is ideal for CPU intensive tasks
return await heavyProcessing(param)
export async function setupStep(param: string): Promise<void> {
await heavySetup(param)
File parent.ts
import { WorkerPool } from "gatsby-worker"
const workerPool = new WorkerPool<typeof import("./worker")>(
numWorkers: 5,
env: {
// queue a task on all workers
const arrayOfPromises = workerPool.all.setupStep(`bar`)
// queue a task on single worker
const singlePromise = workerPool.single.heavyTask(`baz`)
// TypeOfWorkerModule allows to type exposed functions ensuring type safety.
// It will convert sync methods to async and discard/disallow usage of exports
// that are not functions. Recommended to use with `<typeof import("path_to_worker_module")>`.
const workerPool = new WorkerPool<TypeOfWorkerModule>(
// Absolute path to worker module. Recommended to use with `require.resolve`
workerPath: string,
// Not required options
options?: {
// Number of workers to spawn. Defaults to `1` if not defined.
numWorkers?: number
// Additional env vars to set in worker. Worker will inherit env vars of parent process
// as well as additional `GATSBY_WORKER_ID` env var (starting with "1" for first worker)
env?: Record<string, string>
// Exports of the worker module become available under `.single` property of `WorkerPool` instance.
// Calling those will either start executing immediately if there are any idle workers or queue them
// to be executed once a worker become idle.
const singlePromise = workerPool.single.heavyTask(`baz`)
// Exports of the worker module become available under `.all` property of `WorkerPool` instance.
// Calling those will ensure a function is executed on all workers. Best usage for this is performing
// setup/bootstrap of workers.
const arrayOfPromises = workerPool.all.setupStep(`baz`)
// Used to shutdown `WorkerPool`. If there are any in progress or queued tasks, promises for those will be rejected as they won't be able to complete.
const arrayOfPromises = workerPool.end()
// Determine if current context is executed in worker context. Useful for conditional handling depending on context.
import { isWorker } from "gatsby-worker"
if (isWorker) {
// this is executed in worker context
} else {
// this is NOT executed in worker context
allows sending messages from worker to main and from main to worker at any time.
File message-types.ts
// `gatsby-worker` supports message types. Creating common module that centralize possible messages
// that is shared by worker and parent will ensure messages type safety.
interface IPingMessage {
type: `PING`
interface IAnotherMessageFromChild {
payload: {
foo: string
export type MessagesFromChild = IPingMessage | IAnotherMessageFromChild
interface IPongMessage {
type: `PONG`
interface IAnotherMessageFromParent {
payload: {
foo: string
export type MessagesFromParent = IPongMessage | IAnotherMessageFromParent
File worker.ts
import { getMessenger } from "gatsby-worker"
import { MessagesFromParent, MessagesFromChild } from "./message-types"
const messenger = getMessenger<MessagesFromParent, MessagesFromChild>()
// messenger might be `undefined` if `getMessenger`
// is called NOT in worker context
if (messenger) {
// send a message to a parent
messenger.send({ type: `PING` })
payload: {
foo: `bar`,
// following would cause type error as message like that is
// not part of MessagesFromChild type union
// messenger.send({ type: `NOT_PART_OF_TYPES` })
// start listening to messages from parent
messenger.onMessage(msg => {
switch (msg.type) {
case `PONG`: {
// handle PONG message
// msg.payload.foo will be typed as `string` here
// handle
// following would cause type error as there is no msg with
// given type as part of MessagesFromParent type union
// case `NOT_PART_OF_TYPES`: {}
File parent.ts
import { getMessenger } from "gatsby-worker"
import { MessagesFromParent, MessagesFromChild } from "./message-types"
const workerPool = new WorkerPool<
typeof import("./worker"),
workerPath: require.resolve(`./worker`)
// `sendMessage` on WorkerPool instance requires second parameter
// `workerId` to specify to which worker to send message to
// (`workerId` starts at 1 for first worker).
payload: {
foo: `baz`
// start listening to messages from child
// `onMessage` callback will be called with message sent from worker
// and `workerId` (to identify which worker send this message)
workerPool.onMessage((msg: MessagesFromChild, workerId: number): void => {
switch(msg.type) {
case: `PING`: {
// send message back making sure we send it back to same worker
// that sent `PING` message
workerPool.sendMessage({ type: `PONG` }, workerId)
If you are working with source files that need transpilation, you will need to make it possible to load untranspiled modules in child processes.
This can be done with @babel/register
(or similar depending on your build toolchain). Example setup:
const testWorkerPool = new WorkerPool<WorkerModuleType>(workerModule, {
env: {
NODE_OPTIONS: `--require ${require.resolve(`./ts-register`)}`,
This will execute additional module before allowing adding runtime support for new JavaScript syntax or support for TypeScript. Example ts-register.js
// spawned process won't use jest config (or other testing framework equivalent) to support TS, so we need to add support ourselves
extensions: [`.js`, `.ts`],
configFile: require.resolve(relativePathToYourBabelConfig),
ignore: [/node_modules/],