Archetypum is the non-profit organization from $DATE up to our current days, we creating and distributing free software with focus on security, stability and user's privacy.
- theSuffocater (
- theUnixManager (python) (
- theUnixManager (bash) (
Back in 2022, Archetypum was originally started as a hobby project by Kinderfeld (CEO), although it was initially called "Alvanetics" and later "F.E.A.R".
After finding associates, Kindefeld began working various projects, including AlvaneticsOS, Machandler and theSuffocater with help of WretchOfLights (WOL), Wazups, VOL.10 and Marvin Marvelous (later these two left the project).
- Popularize free software movement.
- Build a nachos factory.
- Build a second nachos factory.
- Develop more stuff
- Never become evil
- Never remove number 5
Our future? We dont know.