- 10 new heroes selected at midnight GMT.
- Each win with a hero earns points.
- Global, regional (matches played in a region), and friends-list leaderboards going by total points.
- Points can be spent on re-rolling heroes.
- Python 2.7
- pip
- Bower
- Sass
git clone https://github.com/Arcana/10herochallenge.git
virtualenv 10herochallenge
cd 10herochallenge
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
bower install
sass --no-cache --update ./app/static/css
cp settings_example.py settings.py
vim settings.py
python -c "from app import db;db.create_all()"
python run.py
Easy life.
Undecided. For now just assume the license is a 10ft 1000lbs giant with an anger problem - if you do anything remotely controversial he will eat you.