This project was completed as part of Section 8 in the Complete iOS Development Bootcamp by Angela Yu.
The Egg Timer App is a cooking timer designed to help users boil eggs to their preferred level of doneness (Soft, Medium, Hard). It features a progress indicator and audio notifications when the timer completes.
In this project, I focused on:
- Timers in Swift: Implemented a countdown timer for cooking eggs.
- Audio Feedback: Utilized AVFoundation to play an alarm sound when the timer finishes.
- User Interface: Created a UI that updates in real time, showing remaining time and progress.
- Managing timers and their states
- Working with AVAudioPlayer for sound playback
- Creating a responsive user interface in UIKit
I enhanced the standard timer by including a countdown display, which shows the remaining time as it decreases. This feature was beyond the course requirements.
For more information, feel free to reach out:
- Email:
- LinkedIn: Aran Fononi