Below you will find a list of all available namespaces and commands available with
. The given examples allow you to understand, how each command is used.
For more complex examples, have a look into
The following options are available on a global level. Put them in front of your command (e.g. -E testenv -vvv application list
Option | Description |
-H | specify the host of the controller you want to connect to |
-C | provide the credentials for the controller. Format: user@tenant:password |
-D | Change the output verbosity. Provide a list of the following values: debug,error,warn,info,output |
-E | Call the controller within the given environment |
-A | Provide a default application. |
-J | Store the session cookie at a different location. |
-F | Read the controller credentials from a given controller-info.xml |
-O | Don't execute the command and just print the curl call. |
-N | Don't use colors for the verbose output. |
-Q | If possible set the output format to JSON. |
-v[vv] | Increase application verbosity: v = warn, vv = warn,info, vvv = warn,info,debug |
The following commands in the global namespace can be called directly.
Command | Description | Example |
config | Initialize the default environment. This is an alias for environment add -d | config |
version | Print the current version of | version |
Query the Account API
Command | Description | Example |
my | Get details about the current account This command requires no further arguments. | account my |
Import or export all actions in the specified application to a JSON file.
Command | Description | Example |
create | Provide a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | action create -d @actions.json |
delete | Provide an action id (-i) as parameter. | action delete |
export | Export actions. Provide an application id or name as parameter (-a). | action export -a 15 |
import | Import actions. Provide an application id or name as parameter (-a) and a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | action import -a 15 -d @actions.json |
list | List actions. Provide an application id or name as parameter (-a). | action list -a 15 |
These commands allow you to import and export email/http action templates. A common use pattern is exporting the commands from one controller and importing into another. Please note that the export is a list of templates and the import expects a single object, so you need to split the json inbetween.
Command | Description | Example |
createmediatype | Create a custom media type. Provide the name of the media type as parameter (-n) | actiontemplate createmediatype -n 'application/' |
export | Export all templates of a given type. Provide the type (-t email or httprequest) as parameter. | actiontemplate export -t httprequest |
exportHttpActionPlanList | Export the Http Action Plan List This command requires no further arguments. | actiontemplate exportHttpActionPlanList |
delete | Delete an action template. Provide an id (-i) and a type (-t) as parameters. | |
import | Import an action template of a given type (email, httprequest) | actiontemplate import template.json |
list | List all actiontemplates. Provide a type (-t) as parameter. |
These commands allow you to run ADQL queries agains the controller (not the event service!)
Command | Description | Example |
query | Run an ADQL query Provide an adql query (-q), a start time (-s) and an end time (-e) as parameters. Remember to escape double quotes in the query. | adql query -q 'SELECT eventTimestamp FROM transactions LIMIT 1' -s 2022-06-05T00:00:00.000Z -e 2022-06-16T06:00:00.000Z |
List, Reset, Disable AppDynamics Agents
Command | Description | Example |
disable | Disable an app agent by id Provide an agent id (-i) and the disableMonitoring (-m) flag (true/false) as parameter. | agents disable -i 15 -m true |
enable | Enable an app agent by id Provide an agent id (-i) as parameter. | agents enable -i 15 |
ids | Get more details on agents of a specific type by providing their ids Provide a type as parameter (-t) and a comma separated list of ids (-i). Possible types are appserver, machine, cluster. | agents ids -t appserver -i 1,2,3 |
list | List all agents of a specific type Provide a type as parameter (-t). Possible types are appserver, machine, cluster. | agents list |
toggleMachineAgent | Enable or Disable an machine agent by id Provide an agent id (-i) and the enabled (-m) flag (true/false) as parameter. | agents toggleMachineAgent -i 15 -m false |
These commands allow you to list, import and export action templates.
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete an alerting template Provide the id of the alerting template (-a) as parameter. | alertingtemplate delete -i 68 |
export | Export an alerting template Provide the id of the alerting template (-a) as parameter. | alertingtemplate export -i 68 |
import | Import an alerting template Provide a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d). | alertingtemplate import -d examples/alertingTemplate.json |
list | List all alerting templates This command requires no further arguments. | alertingtemplate list |
Manage custom analytics metrics
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create analytics metric Provide an adql query (-q) and an event type (-e BROWSER_RECORD, BIZ_TXN) and a name (-n) as parameters. The description (-d) is optional. | analyticsmetric create -q 'SELECT count(*) FROM browser_records' -e BROWSER_RECORD -n 'My Custom Metric' |
list | List all analytics metrics | analyticsmetric list |
These commands allow you to manage analytics schemas.
Command | Description | Example |
list | List all analytics schemas. This command requires no further arguments | analyticsschema list |
These commands allow you to import and export email/http saved analytics searches.
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete an analytics search by id. Provide the id as parameter (-i). | analyticssearch delete -i 6 |
get | Get an analytics search by id. Provide the id as parameter (-i). | analyticssearch get -i 6 |
import | Import an analytics search. Provide a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d). | analyticssearch import -d search.json |
list | List all analytics searches. This command requires no further arguments. | analyticssearch list |
The applications API lets you retrieve information about the monitored environment as modeled in AppDynamics.
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create a new application. Provide a name and a type (APM or WEB) as parameter. | application create -t APM -n MyNewApplication |
delete | Delete an application. Provide an application id as parameter (-a) | application delete -a 29 |
export | Export an application. Provide an application id as parameter (-a) | application export -a 29 |
get | Get an application. Provide an application id or name as parameter (-a). | application get -a 15 |
list | List all applications. This command requires no further arguments. | application list |
listdetails | List application details List application details including health. Provide application ids as parameter (-i), a start and end timestamp (-s and -e). | application listdetails -i 9326,8914 -s 1610389435 -e 1620389435 |
The Controller audit history is a record of the configuration and user activities in the Controller configuration.
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get audit history. Provide a start time (-b) and an end time (-f) as parameter. | audit get -b 2015-12-19T10:50:03.607-700 -f 2015-12-19T17:50:03.607-0700 |
Retrieve information about backends within a given business application
Command | Description | Example |
list | List all backends. Provide the application id as parameter (-a) | backend list -a 29 |
Manage business journeys in AppDynamics Analytics
Command | Description | Example |
disable | Disable a business journey. Provide the journey id (-i) as parameter. | bizjourney disable -i 6 |
enable | Enable a business journey. Provide the journey id (-i) as parameter. | bizjourney enable -i 6 |
import | Import a business journey. Provide a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | bizjourney import -d @journey.json |
list | List all business journeys. This command requires no further arguments. | bizjourney list |
Retrieve information about business transactions within a given business application
Command | Description | Example |
creategroup | Create a BT group. Provide the application id (-a), name (-n) and a comma separeted list of bt ids (-b) | bt creategroup -b 13,14 -n MyGroup |
delete | Delete a BT. Provide the bt id as parameter (-b) | bt delete -b 13 |
get | Get a BT. Provide as parameters bt id (-b) and application id (-a). | bt get -a 29 -b 13 |
list | List all BTs. Provide the application id as parameter (-a) | bt list -a 29 |
overflowtraffic | Get the overflow traffic for a given component. Provide a component id (-c) and a duration in minutes for a time range (-d) as parameters. | bt overflowtraffic |
rename | Rename a BT. Provide the bt id (-b) and the new name (-n) as parameters | bt rename -b 13 -n Checkout |
The configuration API enables you read and modify selected Controller configuration settings programmatically.
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get a controller setting by name. Provide a name (-n) as parameter. | configuration get -n metrics.min.retention.period |
list | List all controller settings The Controller global configuration values are made up of the Controller settings that are presented in the Administration Console. | configuration list |
set | Set a controller setting. Set a Controller setting to a specified value. Provide a name (-n) and a value (-v) as parameters | configuration set -n metrics.min.retention.period -v 550 |
Basic calls against an AppDynamics controller.
Command | Description | Example |
auth | Authenticate. | controller auth |
status | Get the server status. This command will return a XML containing status information about the controller. | controller status |
isup | This command will pause until the controller is up. Use this to get notified after the controller is booted successfully. | controller isup ; application list |
call | Send a custom HTTP call to an AppDynamics controller. Provide the endpoint you want to call as parameter. You can modify the http method with option -X and add payload with option -d. | controller call /controller/rest/serverstatus |
login | Check if the login with your appdynamics controller works properly. If the login fails, use controller ping to check if the controller is running and check your credentials if they are correct. | controller login |
ping | Check the availability of an appdynamics controller. On success the response time will be provided. | controller ping |
version | Get installed version from controller | controller version |
Import and export custom dashboards in the AppDynamics controller
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete a dashboard. Provide a dashboard id (-i) as parameter | dashboard delete -i 2 |
export | Export a dashboard. Provide a dashboard id (-i) as parameter | dashboard export -i 2 |
get | Get a dashboard. Provide a dashboard id (-i) as parameter. | dashboard get -i 2 |
import | Import a dashboard. Provide a dashboard file or json (-d) as parameter. | dashboard import -d @examples/dashboard.json |
list | List all dashboards. This command requires no further arguments. | dashboard list |
update | Update a dashboard. Provide a dashboard file or json (-d) as parameter. Use the dashboard get command to retrieve the correct format for updating. | dashboard update -d @dashboardUpdate.json |
Use the Database Visibility API to get, create, update, and delete Database Visibility Collectors.
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete multiple collectors. Provide a comma seperated list of collector analyticsSavedSearches | dbmon delete -c 17,18 |
get | Get a specifc collector. Provide the collector id as parameter (-c). | dbmon get -c 17 |
import | Import a collector. Provide a json string or a @file (-d) as parameter. | dbmon import -d @collector.json |
list | List all collectors. No further arguments required. | dbmon list |
queries | Get queries for a server. Requires a server id (-i), a start time (-b) and an end time (-f) as parameters. | dbmon queries -i 2 -b 1545237000000 -f 1545238602 |
servers | List all servers. No further arguments required. | dbmon servers |
update | Update a specific collector. Provide a json string or a @file (-d) as parameter. | dbmon update -d @collector.json |
create | Create a new database collector. You need to provide the following parameters:" "/ -i name" "/ -u user name" "/ -h host name" "/ -a agent name" "/ -t type" "/ -d database name" "/ -p port" "/ -s password | dbmon create -i MyTestDB -h localhost -n db -u user -a "Default Database Agent" -t DB2 -p 1555 -s password |
events | List all database agent events. This is an alias for event list -a '_dbmon' , so you can use the same parameters for querying the events. | dbmon events -t BEFORE_NOW -d 60 -s INFO,WARN,ERROR -e AGENT_EVENT |
Command | Description | Example |
login | Login with AppDynamics to retrieve an OAUTH token for downloads. You can use the provided token for downloads from | download login |
get | Download an agent. You need to provide a partial name of an agent you want to download. Optionally, you can provide a directory (-d) as download location. By default only the first match is downloaded, you can provide parameter -a to download all matches. | download get -d /tmp golang |
list | List agent files. You can provide a filter (-f) to filter for specific agent files. Or you can provide a search query (-s) to execute . Provide parameter -d to get the full download path | download list -d -f golang |
versionlist | download versionlist |
If you want to use to manage multiple controllers, you can use environments to add and manage them easily.
Use environment add
to create an environment providing a name, controller url and credentials.
Afterwards you can use -E <name>
to call the given controller.
Command | Description | Example |
source | Load environment variables | environment source myaccount |
get | Retrieve an environment. Provide the name of the environment as parameter. | environment get myaccount |
delete | Delete an environment. Provide the name of the environment as parameter. | environment delete myaccount |
add | Add a new environment. To change the default environment, run with -d | environment add -d |
list | List all your environments | environment list |
export | Export an environment into a postman environment | environment export > output.json |
edit | environment edit myaccount |
Command | Description | Example |
getapps | Get EUM Apps. |
Manage correlation cookies for APM and EUM integration
Command | Description | Example |
disable | Disable all EUM correlation cookies. | eumCorrelation disable -a 41 |
Create and list events in your business applications.
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create an event. Provide an application (-a), a summary (-s), an event type (-e) and a severity level (-l). Optional parameters are bt (-b), node (-n) and tier (-t) | event create -l INFO -c 'New bug fix release.' -e APPLICATION_DEPLOYMENT -a 29 -s 'Version 3.1.3' |
list | List all events for a given time range. | event list -a 15 -t BEFORE_NOW -d 60 -s ALL -e ALL |
Establish a federation between two AppDynamics Controllers.
Command | Description | Example |
createkey | Create a key. Provide a name for the api key (-n) as parameter. | federation createkey -n saas2onprem |
establish | Establish a federation Provide an account name (-a), an api key (-k) and a controller url (-c) for the friend account. | federation establish -a customer1 -k NGEzNzlhNTctNzQ1Yy00ZWM3LTkzNmItYTVkYmY0NWVkYzZjOjA0Nzk0ZjI5NzU1OWM0Zjk4YzYxN2E0Y2I2ODkwMDMyZjdjMDhhZTY= -c http://localhost:8090 |
setup | Setup a controller federation: Generates a key and establishes the mutal friendship. |
Retrieve flowmaps
Command | Description | Example |
application | Get an application flowmap Provide an application (-a) and a time range string (-t) as parameter. | flowmap application -a 41 -t last_1_hour.BEFORE_NOW.-1.-1.60 |
component | Get an component flowmap Provide an component (tier, node, ...) id (-c) and a time range string (-t) as parameter | flowmap component -c 108 -t last_1_hour.BEFOREW_NOW.-1.-1.60 |
Configure and retrieve health rules and their violates.
Command | Description | Example |
disable | Disable a healthrule. Provide an application (-a) and a health rule id (-i) as parameters. | healthrule disable -a 29 -i 54 |
enable | Enable a healthrule. Provide an application (-a) and a health rule id (-i) as parameters. | healthrule enable -a 29 -i 54 |
get | Get a healthrule. Provide an application (-a) and a health rule name (-n) as parameters. | healthrule get -a 29 |
list | List all healthrules. Provide an application (-a) as parameter | healthrule list -a 29 |
violations | Get all healthrule violations. Provide an application (-a) and a time range type (-t) as parameters, as well as a duration in minutes (-d) or a start-time (-b) and an end time (-f) | healthrule violations -a 29 -t BEFORE_NOW -d 120 |
import | Import a health rule. | |
copy | Copy healthrules from one application to another. Provide the source application id ("-s") and the target application ("-t")." "/If you provide ("-n") only the named health rule will be copied. |
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create an information point. Provide an json file (with @ as prefix) containing the information point config (-d) as parameter. | informationPoint create -d @examples/information_point.json |
delete | Delete information points. Provide an id or an list of ids of information points (-i) as parameter. | informationPoint delete -i 1326,1327 |
list | List information points. Provide an application id (-a) and a time range string (-t) as parameters. | informationPoint list -a 6743 -t last_1_hour.BEFORE_NOW.-1.-1.60 |
update | Update an information point. Provide an json file (with @ as prefix) containing the information point update config (-d) as parameter. | informationPoint update -d @examples/information_point_update.json |
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create a license rule. Provide a json string or a @file (-d) as parameter. | licenserule create -d examples/licenserule.json |
detailview | Get detail view for a license rule Provide a license id (-l) as parameter. | licenserule detailview -l ff0fb8ff-d2ef-446d-83bd-8f8e5b8c0d20 |
list | List all license rules. This command requires no further arguments | licenserule list |
Command | Description | Example |
import | Import a source rule. Provide a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | logsources import -d @examples/logsources.json |
list | List all sources. This command requires no further arguments. | logsources list |
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get a specific metric by providing the metric path. Provide the application with option -a | |
tree | Create a metric tree for the given application (-a). Note that this will create a lot of requests towards your controller. | |
list | List all metrics available for one application (-a). Provide a metric path like "Overall Application Performance" to walk the metrics tree. |
API to list and retrieve mobile crashes
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get crash details Provide an application ID (-a) and crash ID (-c) as parameters | mobileCrash get -a 41 -c d65fff8f-6ff0-4765-8ff4-2ffcbd0441bd |
Retrieve nodes within a business application
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get a node. Provide the application (-a) and the node (-n) as parameters | node get -a 29 -n 45 |
list | List all nodes. Provide the application id as parameter (-a). | node list -a 29 |
markhistorical | Mark nodes as historical. Provide a comma separated list of node ids. | node markhistorical -n 45,46 |
move | Move node. Provide a node id (-n) and a tier id (-t) to move the given node to the given tier. | node move -n 1782418 -t 187811 |
Configure OpenTelemetry collector for AppDynamics
Command | Description | Example |
getApiKey | Get OpenTelemetry API Key No parameter required. | otel getApiKey |
isEnabled | Check if OpenTelemetry enabled. No parameter required. | otel isEnabled |
Import and export policies
Command | Description | Example |
export | List all policies. Provide an application (-a) as parameter. | policy export -a 29 |
get | Get a policy. Provide a policy id (-p) as parameter. | policy get -p 9886 |
import | Import a policy. Provide an application (-a) and a policy file or json (-d) as parameter. | policy import -a 29 -d @examples/policy.json |
update | Update an existing policy. Provide a policy file or json (-d) as parameter. | policy update -d @examples/policy.json |
Manage service monitoring configurations
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create a monitor. This command takes the following arguments. Those with '?' are optional: name (-n), machineId (-i), url (-u), interval (-i), failureThreshold (-f), successThreshold (-s), thresholdWindow (-w), connectTimeout (-c), socketTimeout (-t), method (-m), downloadSize (-d), headers (-h), body (-b), validationRules (-v) | sam create -n 'Checkout' -i 42 -u -p 10 -f 1 -s 3 -w 5 -c 30000 -t 30000 -m POST -d 5000 |
delete | Delete a monitor Provide a monitor id (-i) as parameter | sam delete -i 29 |
get | Get a monitor. Provide a monitor id (-i) as parameter | sam get -i 29 |
import | Import a monitor. Provide a json string or a @file (-d) as parameter. | sam import -d @examples/sam.json |
list | List monitors. This command requires no further arguments. | sam list |
Manage scopes for instrumentation
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create a new scope. Provide an application id (-a) as parameter | scope create |
list | List all scopes. Provide an application id (-a) as parameter | scope list -a 25 |
List service endpoints
Command | Description | Example |
config | List all SEP configurations. Provide an application id (-a). | sep config -a 29 |
delete | Delete SEPs Provide an id or an list of ids of service end points (-s) as parameter. | sep delete -s 11705717,11705424 |
list | List all SEPs Provide an application id (-a), a start timestamp (-s) and an end timestamp (-e) as parameters. | sep list -a 29 -s 1610389435 -e 1620389435 |
updateConfig | Insert or Update SEPs. Provide an application id (-a) and a json string or a @file (-d) as parameter. | sep updateConfig -a 29 -d @examples/sep.json |
List servers, their properties and metrics
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete a machine. Provide a machine id (-m) as parameter. | server delete -m 244 |
get | Get a machine. Provide a machine id (-m) as parameter. | server get -m 244 |
list | List all machines. No additional argument required. | server list |
query | Query a machineagent by hostname provide a machine name (-m) as parameter | server query -m Myserver or if you want to query your own name -m ${HOSTNAME} on Linux |
List APM snapshots.
Command | Description | Example |
list | Retrieve a list of snapshots Provide an application (-a) as parameter, as well as a time range (-t), the duration in minutes (-d) or start (-b) and end time (-f) | snapshot list -a 29 -t BEFORE_NOW -d 120 |
Create synthetic snapshots or jobs
Command | Description | Example |
import | Import a synthetic job. Provide an EUM application id (-a) as parameter and a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | synthetic import -a 41 -d @examples/syntheticjob.json |
list | List all synthetic jobs. Provide an EUM application id (-a) as parameter. | synthetic list -a 41 |
snapshot | Generate synthetic snapshot. Provide an EUM application (-a), a brower (-b) and an URL (-u) as parameter. | synthetic snapshot -u -l AMS -b Chrome -a 128 |
update | Update a synthetic job. Provide an EUM application id (-a) as parameter and a json string or a file (with @ as prefix) as parameter (-d) | synthetic update -a 41 -d @examples/updatesyntheticjob.json |
List all tiers.
Command | Description | Example |
get | Get a tier. Provide the application (-a) and the tier (-t) as parameters | tier get -a 29 -t 45 |
list | List all tiers for a given application. Provide the application id as parameter (-a). | tier list -a 29 |
nodes | List nodes for a tier. Provide the application (-a) and the tier (-t) as parameters | tier nodes -a 29 -t 45 |
Command | Description | Example |
delete | Delete a specific time range by id | |
create | Create a custom time range | |
list | List all custom timeranges available on the controller |
Import and export transaction detection rules.
Command | Description | Example |
export | Export transaction detection rules. Provide the application (-a) and the rule type (-r) as parameters. Provide an entry point type (-e) as optional parameter. | transactiondetection export -a 29 -r custom -e servlet |
import | Import transaction detection rules. Provide the application (-a), the rule type (-r) and an xml file (with @ as prefix) containing the rules (-d) as parameters. Provide an entry point type (-e) as optional parameter. | transactiondetection import -a 29 -r custom -e servlet -d @rules.xml |
Create and Modify AppDynamics Users.
Command | Description | Example |
create | Create a new user. Provide a name (-n), a display name (-d), a list of roles (-r), a password (-p) and a mail address (-m) as parameters. | user create -n myadmin -d Administrator -r Account |
update | Update an existing user. Provide an id (-i), name (-n), a display name (-d), a list of roles (-r), a password (-p) and a mail address (-m) as parameters. | user update -n myadmin -d Administrator -r Account |