- Docker client: send commands
- Docker Daemon: server to handle requests
-H tcp://
: configuration to accept remote requests (no need to do)systemctl daemon-reload
andsystemctl restart docker.service
docker -H info
: example (no need to do)
- Registry: host Docker images
- image: a lightweight executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, a runtime, libraries, environment variables, and config files.
- image name = repository + tag
- container: a runtime instance of an image -- what the image becomes in memory when actually executed. It runs completely isolated from the host environment by default, only accessing host files and ports if configured to do so.
- registry: image store
一个程序运起来后的计算机执行环境的总和(内存中的数据、寄存器里的值、堆栈中的指令、被打开的文件,以及各种设备的状态信息的一个集合)被称为一个进程。 容器技术的核心功能,就是通过约束和修改进程的动态表现,从而为其创造出一个“边界”。 对于Docker等大多数Linux容器来说,Cgroups技术是用来制造约束的主要手段,而Namespace技术则是用来修改进程视图的主要方法。