RemovePrivateFlags.exe will remove the private flags from all messages in an Exchange Server mailbox (appointments will not be altered).
If a private meeting request is forwarded or answered the message it self is also marked as private. This is fine for personal mailboxes but you will maybe get problems if you use shared mailboxes or after migrate data from public folders into a mailbox.
This utility is designed for run once until a migration.
Simply copy all files to a location where you are allowed to run it and of course the Exchange servers are reachable.
- Exchange Server 2013/2016 (Tested with CU15, maybe it will work with Exchange 2007/2010 as well)
- Application Impersonation Rights if you want to change items on other mailboxes than yours
- Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll, log4net.dll (are provided in the repository and also in the binaries)
RemovePrivateFlags.exe -mailbox [-logonly] [-foldername "Inbox"]
Search through the mailbox and ask for changing a item if -logonly is not set to true. If -foldername is given the folder path are compared to the folder name. If -logonly is set to true only a log will be created.
RemovePrivateFlags.exe -mailbox [-foldername "Inbox"] [-noconfirmation]
Search through the mailbox, if -noconfirmation is set to true all items will be altered without confirmation.
- mandatory: -mailbox
Mailbox which you want to alter.
- optional: -logonly
Items will only be logged.
- optional: -foldername "Inbox"
Will filter the items to the Folderpath
- optional: -noconfirmation
Messages will be set to normal without confirmation.
- optional: -ignorecertificate
Ignore certificate errors. Interesting if you connect to a lab config with self signed certificate.
- optional: -impersonate
If you want to alter a other mailbox than yours set this parameter.
- optional: -user
If set together with -password this credentials would be used. Elsewhere the credentials from your session will be used.
- optional: -password "Pa$$w0rd"
- optional: -url "https://server/EWS/Exchange.asmx"
If you set an specific URL this URL will be used instead of autodiscover. Should be used with -ignorecertificate if your CN is not in the certficate.
- optional: -allowredirection
If your autodiscover redirects you the default behaviour is to quit the connection. With this parameter you will be connected anyhow (Hint: O365)
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