Traditionally, to perform a task on a computer, the end user was required to know the commands necessary to execute the operation. But due to the advancement in the field of Human Computer interaction, it is possible to develop applications that can interact with the user, understand his/her requirements and perform the required task on his/her behalf. This allows the user to perform various operations with ease.
The implemented project is a compiler for user computer interaction. The key objective of the said project is to help the user perform an array of tasks in a simple manner. The user can communicate with the computer in English and our system enables the computer to understand the user’s request and execute the specified command. The main intent of the project is to humanize users’ interaction with the computer which would further aid in performing various tasks.
The implementation consists of two main components namely the AIML Kernel and Central Query Manager (CQM).The AIML Kernel involves resolving the user input into keywords as understood by the CQM. It aids the CQM in identifying the task to be executed. The Central Query Manager is written in Python and is responsible for performing the action requested by the user. The AIML files contain category, pattern and template tags. A category tag encloses a specific context of a conversation. The pattern tag is used to specify the pattern of user input and the template tag is used to provide appropriate response for the same.
A wide variety of operations can be performed through our system. Various file operations like opening, creating, deleting, renaming and searching a file, moving a file from one folder to another, listing all files in a given directory can be performed. A user can also play media files and browse the internet with the help of the said application.
The implemented application eases the job of the user to a great extent. It improves communication with the system and aids the user in accomplishing a variety of jobs. It can be enhanced further to include many more functionalities. It can be incorporated in every system and can be customized to one's needs.
please open abc.txt hey create abc.txt move abc.txt to myNewFolder list files in myNewFolder encrypt an image file browse what is AI? and many more.
It can perform the following set of operations: File operations:
Open an existing file Create a new file Move a file from one location to another Rename a file Search a file Delete a file List all files in a directory Steganographic encryption of a message in an audio/image file Steganographic decryption of a message from an audio/image file
Miscellaneous operations:
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