Lightweight Softether VPN Bridge
This docker only contains a working SoftEther VPN Bridge other components have been removed.
If you need other parts :
SoftEther VPN Bridge is software that allows you to cascade-connect to a Virtual Hub of SoftEther VPN Server operating at a remote location and create a Layer-2 bridge connection between that VPN connection and a physical network adapter on a computer running SoftEther VPN Bridge. SoftEther VPN Bridge is the ideal software for a computer connected to a remote base LAN when you want to connect the remote base LAN to a VPN configured with SoftEther VPN Server (namely, a Virtual Hub on a SoftEther VPN Server).
Versions will follow Softether VPN Github Repository tags and Alpine update.
This image is make'd from the offical Softether VPN Github Repository with 1 patchs :
- Default Server cipher changed from "RC4-MD5" to "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA"
Nothing else have been edited. So when you will start it the first time you will get the default configuration which is :
- */!\ Administration without any password /!*
- Bridge listenning on 443/tcp, 992/tcp, 1194/tcp+udp, tcp/5555
- Unconfigured Bridge
You will have to configure it. To do so use :
- SoftEther VPN CMD (any platform - Console)
- SoftEther VPN Server Manager (Windows, Mac OS X - GUI)
- Edit by hand /usr/vpnserver/vpn_server.config then restart the server (Not Recommended)
For a simple use without persistence :
docker run -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN -p 443:443/tcp -p 992:992/tcp -p 1194:1194/udp -p 5555:5555/tcp amary/softether-vpn-bridge
For a simple use with persistence (will give you acces to configuration and logs) :
docker run -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN -p 443:443/tcp -p 992:992/tcp -p 1194:1194/udp -p 5555:5555/tcp -v /host/path/vpnbridge:/usr/vpnbridge:Z amary/softether-vpn-bridge
Add/delete any -p $PORT:$PORT/{tcp,udp} depending on you will
- v4.22-9634-beta : Initial Release