A simple tool that will parse your exported ISE Policy XML file and translate it to a GraphML file that you can open with yEd (or others graphing tools) to visualize it.
It will also help you to identify unused objects (disabled rules, unlinked conditions and authorization profiles) which can be cleaned.
Compatible with all ISE versions >= 2.6.
git clone https://github.com/AnthoBalitrand/ise-policy-grapher.git
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --trusted-host pypi.org --trusted-host files.pythonhosted.org -r requirements.txt
Through the administration GUI, browse to Administration --> Backup & Restore --> Policy Export
Encrypted files are not supported.
python3 ise_grapher.py ise_policy_file.xml
Several files will be created in the "outputs" directory :
- <policy_name>.graphml for each policy of the policy set
- global.graphml for the global view of all objects
<policy_name>.graphml will display only objects used on the given policy (not orphan objects).
global.graphml will display all objects, including unused ones, to help for cleaning.
You can open the generated files with yEd.
For better visibility, use the "Radial" layout with default parameters :
Here's an output example for a given policy :
Here's an output example for the global graph (notice the unused objects that can be clearly identified) :
(note that a * is prepended to the name)
(note that a * is prepended to the name)