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coolstar edited this page Jan 11, 2015 · 5 revisions

As most people know, iOS 7 and higher have a new "live" clock icon. As a result, this icon must be themed with a different approach than other icons are normally themed.


An (ugly) example theme is available. Just look for "Custom Clock Example" on



The clock icon background may be themed either with Anemone's car support or by using Anemone's IconBundles support.

Clock Hands & Dots

Anemone supports theming the clock hands. As the clock hands images are resized by iOS to fit the original hand size, if you wish to reduce the hand size, we suggest keeping the original PNG the same size and using transparency around your smaller hand.

Second Hand

The second hand is loaded from "ClockIconSecondHand.png" in SpringBoard's bundle.


The minute hand is loaded from "ClockIconMinuteHand.png" in SpringBoard's bundle.

Hour Hand

The hour hand is loaded from "ClockIconHourHand.png" in SpringBoard's bundle.

Red Dot

The red dot (the smaller one in the center) is loaded from "ClockIconRedDot.png" in SpringBoard's bundle.

Black Dot

The black dot (the larger one in the center) is loaded from "ClockIconBlackDot.png" in SpringBoard's bundle.

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