✒️ Designing and implementing a web application of your own with Python and JavaScript.
🚀 https://cs50.harvard.edu/web/2020/projects/final/capstone/
- Python 3.11.1
- Django 4.1.4
- django-bootstrap-modal-forms 2.2.0
- django-widget-tweaks 1.4.12
TIP: If you have a requirements.txt file type this command: python -m pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Go to the directory which contains "manage.py" file
- Then type this command: python manage.py runserver
- In your Web browser use a URL:
👉 EPortfolio is a responsive, dynamic and most advanced web application that summarizes all my CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript projects in one place. My application uses the Django plugin to create AJAX-based forms in Bootstrap mode (django-bootstrap-modal-forms). This application cost me the most work and was the most difficult to do. Anyone can see information about me, the course, and all my course projects. After registering and logging in, you can additionally create, edit or delete projects. The EPortfolio application allows you to see the requirements of individual projects and watch a YouTube video showing them in action.
👉 My application uses new elements like as:
- modal forms that use AJAX-based in Bootstrap mode,
- fonts from Google Nunito (online),
- icons for Designers and Developers Lineicons 2.0 (offline),
- Bootstrap 5.0.5-alpha (offline),
- active menu, close navbar-collapse when a clicked, get the navbar for menu scroll, back to Top button which is controlled by the Java Script (index.js file),
- animations on the sections and pages such as alerts, buttons, avatar etc and background gradients (style.css file),
- the main element Accordion (a Bootstrap component), which contains all information about my projects.
👉 The ePortfolio application includes mainly:
- static folders with fonts, icons, images, css and js files,
- templates folder with 9 .html files,
- compatibility.py file with that display the login form and handle the login action,
- forms.py files with definitions of modal forms such as registration, login etc,
- models.py file with the definition of model Projects,
- urls.py file with define URLs for the views,
- views.py with C R U D operations, which I based on generic classes instead of functions as in earlier projects.
❤️ I believe that my final project meets the requirements and is different from the previous ones. It is also the most complex and uses many new elements. This project developed me. ❤️