Welcome to the Contact Book app, a simple and intuitive contact management application built with modern web development technologies. This app allows users to save, search, and delete contacts, and it ensures data persistence using Redux Persist. The app is fully responsive and styled using modern CSS utilities.
Add new contacts with name and phone number. Search contacts by name using a dynamic filter. Delete existing contacts with ease. Persistent contact storage using localStorage via Redux Persist. Fully responsive design for seamless use on all devices.
- React - The core library for building the user interface.
- Redux Toolkit - State management library for handling application state.
- React Redux - For connecting Redux state management with React components.
- Redux Persist - For persisting the state of the contacts into localStorage.
- nanoid - A tiny, secure, URL-friendly unique string ID generator used for generating contact IDs.
- Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for creating a responsive and modern UI with minimal effort.
Simply enter a contact name and phone number in the provided fields and click
the "Add Contact" button. The contact will be saved to the list.
Search Contacts: Use the search bar to dynamically filter contacts by name.
Delete Contact: Click the "Delete" button next to any contact to remove it from
the list.
Persistent Storage: Your contacts will remain saved even after refreshing or
closing the app, thanks to Redux Persist.
You can see the app in action here.