A MATLAB script for importing PX4 ulg files.
The code can process and import large ulg files in an order of seconds and captures log data, messages and header information.
Call ulgReader
as you would any other function. If you don't specify an input file, a file browser will open where you cna select the file to import.
This code is best used in scripts such that
file = 'test.ulg';
fds = ulgReader(file);
If you wish to plot all the imported fields (useful for debugging issues), you can optionally add
file = 'test.ulg';
fds = ulgReader(file,1);
and the code will automatically generate plots of all the data channels.
Please submit Issues or PRs for any bugs you find. If a file is failing to import and you're creating an Issue, be sure to include a link to the file to help with debugging.
This work is distributed under the GNU GPLv3 license.