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456 lines (364 loc) · 18 KB

Protractor-puppeteer plugin

The main goal of this plugin is to enable the use of two tools in autotests written on Protractor. Also, this plugin can measure page performance using Lighthouse.

Chrome only supported.


Protractor-puppeteer plugin Protractor Puppeteer Lighthouse NodeJS
^1.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^2.1.0 - ^10
^2.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^3.0.0 - ^10
^3.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^4.0.0 - ^10
^4.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^5.0.0 - ^10
^5.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^5.2.0 ^6.3.0 ^10
^5.2.0 ^5.0.0 ^5.5.0 ^7.0.0 ^12
^6.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^8.0.0 ^7.2.0 ^12.13.0
^7.0.0 ^5.0.0 ^10.2.0 ^8.3.0 ^12.13.0
^8.0.0 (Current) ^5.0.0 ^13.0.1 ^9.2.0 ^14.0.0

How to add this plugin to protractor:

// protractor.conf.js

plugins: [{
    package: 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin',
    (or path: require.resolve('protractor-puppeteer-plugin'))
    configFile?: './path/to/puppeteer.conf.json',
    configOptions?: {
        connectToBrowser?: boolean, (Default: false) // This prop allows to connect Puppeteer to Protractor
        connectOptions?: {
            defaultViewport?: {
                width?: number, (Default: 800px)
                height?: number, (Default: 600px)
                deviceScaleFactor?: number, (Default: 1)
                isMobile?: boolean, (Default: false)
                hasTouch?: boolean, (Default: false)
                isLandscape?: boolean (Default: false)
            ignoreHTTPSErrors?: boolean, (Default: false)
            slowMo?: number, (Default: 0ms)
        timeout?: number, (Default: 30000ms)
        defaultArgs?: {
            headless?: boolean,
            args?: Array<string>,
            userDataDir?: string,
            devtools?: boolean,
        harDir?: './path/to/artifatcs/dir/', (Default: './artifacts/har/')
        selenoid?: {
            host: string, (E.g.: '' or 'localhost')
            port?: number, (Default: 4444)
        lighthouse?: {
            enabled?: boolean, (Default: false) // This prop allows to connect Lighthouse to Protractor
            flags?: {[key: string]: any}, See types:
                                            Default: {port: (!) Determined automatically, logLevel: 'info', output: ['json', 'html']}
                                            (!) It is not recommended to change the port.
            config?: {[key: string]: any}, See documentation:
                                            and types:
            reportsDir?: string (Default: './artifacts/lighthouse/')
        logLevel?: 'verbose' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'silent', (Default: 'info') // Changes the plugin logs

(!) Note: The configFile property takes precedence over the configOptions property.

What should 'configFile' contain?

The configFile must be .json extension and contains the following properties.


// puppeteer.conf.json
    "connectToBrowser"?: boolean, (Default: false) // This prop allows to connect Puppeteer to Protractor
    "connectOptions"?: {
       "defaultViewport"?: {
           "width"?: number, (Default: 800px)
           "height"?: number, (Default: 600px)
           "deviceScaleFactor"?: number, (Default: 1)
           "isMobile"?: boolean, (Default: false)
           "hasTouch"?: boolean, (Default: false)
           "isLandscape"?: boolean (Default: false)
       "ignoreHTTPSErrors"?: boolean, (Default: false)
       "slowMo"?: number (Default: 0ms)
    "timeout"?: number, (Default: 30000ms)
    "defaultArgs"?: {
        "headless"?: boolean,
        "args"?: Array<string>,
        "userDataDir"?: string,
        "devtools"?: boolean
    "harDir"?: "./path/to/artifatcs/dir/", (Default: "./artifacts/har/")
    "selenoid"?: {
        "host": string, (E.g.: "" or "localhost")
        "port"?: number (Default: 4444)
    "lighthouse"?: {
        "enabled"?: boolean, (Default: false) // This prop allows to connect Lighthouse to Protractor
        "flags"?: {[key: string]: any}, See types:
                                        Default: {"port": (!) Determined automatically, "logLevel": "info", "output": ["json", "html"]}
                                        (!) It is not recommended to change the port.
        "config"?: {[key: string]: any}, See documentation:
                                        and types:
        "reportsDir"?: string (Default: "./artifacts/lighthouse/")
    "logLevel"?: "verbose" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "silent" (Default: "info") // Changes the plugin logs


How to use:

  1. If you would like to connect to browser by yourself, or you would like to use some functions which return from class: Puppeteer, you should use puppeteer property:

    const {browser} = require('protractor');
    await browser.puppeteer.launch([options]);
    await browser.puppeteer.connect(options);
    await browser.puppeteer.createBrowserFetcher([options]);
    const iDevices = browser.puppeteer.devices['iDevices'];
    // etc.

    More information about this class you can find here:

  2. If Puppeteer was connected by protractor-puppeteer-plugin, you should use cdp property. The cdp property provides to use all features of Puppeteer after merging with Protractor.

    const {browser} = require('protractor');
    browser.puppeteer. // --> Puppeteer
    // ... // --> Target
    browser.cdp.client. // --> CDPSession // --> Page
    browser.cdp.browser. // --> Browser

    More information about this class you can find here:

  3. For saving har files (with all calls from network) use:

    const {browser} = require('protractor');
    await browser.har.start();
    // test actions
    await browser.har.stop(reportName);
    // HAR file will stored automatically. Default: './artifacts/har/' directory.
    // If the 'reportName' parameter is passed, the report name will be: '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_%reportName%.har'
    // If not, will be the default: '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_chrome_browser_har_log.har'

    Saved files can be read by Chrome.

  4. If browser.restart() was executed, you need to connect Puppeteer one more time:

    const {browser} = require('protractor');
    const {setup} = require('protractor-puppeteer-plugin');
    await browser.restart();
    await setup();
  5. Lighthouse. If you need to measure page performance, run the function:

    const {browser} = require('protractor');
    await browser.lighthouse(url, {flags?, config?, connection?, reportName?});
    // The report(s) will stored automatically. Default: './artifacts/lighthouse/' directory; '.html' and '.json' formats.


    • url - The URL to test.
    • flags- Optional settings for the Lighthouse run. If present, they will override any settings in the config;

      Default flags: {"port": (!) Determined automatically, "logLevel": "info", "output": ["json", "html"]}. (!) It is not recommended to change the port. Types.

    • config - Configuration for the Lighthouse run. If not present, the default config is used;

      Default config, Documentation and Types.

    • connection - Custom connection if it's not ChromeProtocol. If not present, the host and port are used;

      Source code

    • reportName - If the 'reportName' parameter is passed, the report name will be: '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_ %reportName%.%format%'. If not, will be the default: '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_lighthouse_report.%format%'

    During the execution Lighthouse opens a new tab, performs necessary actions, closes the tab and generates a report. More information about this class you can find here:



// protractor.conf.js
plugins: [{
    package: 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin',
    configFile: './path/to/puppeteer.conf.json',

// puppeteer.conf.json
    "connectToBrowser": true,
    "connectOptions": {
        "defaultViewport": {
            "width": 1366,
            "height": 768
    "timeout": 60000,
    "lighthouse": {
        "enabled": true

// awesome.test.js
const {browser} = require('protractor');

describe('Example suite', () => {
    it('Protractor and Puppeteer together', async () => {
        await browser.get('');

        await'.button.hero-cta', {visible: true, hidden: false});
        await browser.$('.button.hero-cta').click();

        await'', {waitUntil: ['networkidle0', 'domcontentloaded']});

        const getStartedBrn = browser.$('href=""');

        await browser.wait(browser.ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(getStartedBrn));

        await browser.har.start();
        await browser.har.stop('Protractor and Puppeteer together');
        // Report name: '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_Protractor_and_Puppeteer_together.har'

            'The "Get started" page was not opened'

    it('Mocking a response using Puppeteer', async () => {
        await;'request', async request => {
            if (request.url().includes('photos')) {
                await request.respond({
                    body: '[{title: "Hello World!!!"}]'
            } else {
                await request.continue();

        // or
        // await browser.waitForAngularEnabled(false);
        // await browser.get('');

    it('Lighthouse example', async () => {
        await browser.lighthouse('', {reportName: 'Lighthouse example'});
        // Report names:
        //  - '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_Lighthouse_example.html'
        //  - '%timestamp%_PID_%pid%_Lighthouse_example.json'


// ============== TypeScript ==============
// protractor.conf.ts
import {Config} from 'protractor';
import 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin'; // to have autocomplete OR add 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin' value to types in tsconfig.json

export const config: Config = {
    // ...
    plugins: [{
        configFile: {}, // ---> autocomplete is available
        configOptions: {} // ---> autocomplete is available

// awesome.test.ts
import {browser} from 'protractor';
import 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin'; // to have autocomplete OR add 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin' value to types in tsconfig.json

describe('Example suite', () => {
    it('Simple test', async () => { 
        browser.puppeteer. // ---> autocomplete is available
        browser.har. // ---> autocomplete is available
        browser.cdp. // ---> autocomplete is available
        await browser.lighthouse(params); // ---> autocomplete is available for params

How to use in Docker

  1. If you would like to use autotests within the same container with selenium-standalone/chrome, you don't need to do anything.

  2. If you would like to use autotest and selenium-standalone/chrome in different containers, you have to manage a port for Chrome debug protocol. Since you won’t be able to know on which port the Chrome debugger is available, and based on Chrome’s policy is prohibited connect to Chrome from the outside.

To do this, you need to pass the following arguments:

  • --headless
  • --remote-debugging-address=
  • --remote-debugging-port=9222 - with port address you want

(!) But for parallel mode, you have to manage the ports by yourself.

// protractor.conf.js
capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
    'goog:chromeOptions': {
        args: [

More arguments you can find here:


  1. Error: 'Error: You probably have multiple tabs open to the same origin.' during await browser.lighthouse('https://my-site/'):

(!) This workaround will be applied automatically, if the option connectToBrowser: true is set in the protractor-puppeteer-plugin config. More details about the issue: GoogleChrome/lighthouse#3024

import {browser} from 'protractor';
import {describe, it} from 'mocha';
import 'protractor-puppeteer-plugin'

describe('Lighthouse workaround', () => {

    it('Failed test', async () => {
        // await'');
        // or
        await browser.get('');
        await browser.$('.button.hero-cta').click();
        await browser.lighthouse(''); // Error: You probably have multiple tabs open to the same origin.

    it('Successful test', async () => {
        // await'');
        // or
        await browser.get('');
        await browser.$('.button.hero-cta').click();

        // workaround

        async function lighthouse(url) {
            const currentUrl =;

            await browser.cdp.browser.newPage();
            const [firstPage, secondPage] = await browser.cdp.browser.pages();
            await firstPage.close();

            await browser.lighthouse(url);

            const [tab] = await browser.getAllWindowHandles();
            await browser.switchTo().window(tab);
            Object.assign(, secondPage);

            await browser.get(currentUrl); // Now it works
            // or
            // await; // Now it works

        await lighthouse('');




Chrome DevTools Protocol:
