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A lightweight, JSON file-based ODM Database for Node.js, inspired by Mongoose


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A lightweight, file-based ODM (Object-Document Mapper) for Node.js, inspired by Mongoose but designed for local JSON storage. Perfect for prototypes, small applications, and scenarios where a full MongoDB setup isn't needed.


  • 🚀 Mongoose-like API for familiar development experience
  • 📁 JSON file-based storage
  • 🔄 Schema validation and type casting
  • 🎯 Rich query API with chainable methods
  • 📊 Aggregation pipeline support
  • 🔌 Virtual properties and middleware hooks
  • 🏃‍♂️ Zero external dependencies (except BSON for ObjectIds)
  • 🔗 Support for related models and references
  • 📝 Comprehensive CRUD operations
  • 🔍 Advanced querying and filtering
  • 🔎 Full-text search capabilities
  • 📑 Compound indexing support
  • 🔄 Schema inheritance and discrimination
  • 🎨 Custom type casting and validation
  • 🗄️ Backup and restore functionality
  • 🧩 Custom types and schema inheritance
  • 🛠️ Middleware hooks for documents, queries, and aggregations
  • 🌐 Geospatial queries and indexing
  • 📅 Date operators and bitwise operators


npm install localgoose

Quick Start

const { localgoose } = require('localgoose');

// Connect to a local directory for storage
const db = localgoose.connect('./mydb');

// Define schemas for related models
const userSchema = new localgoose.Schema({
  username: { type: String, required: true },
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  age: { type: Number, required: true },
  tags: { type: Array, default: [] }

const postSchema = new localgoose.Schema({
  title: { type: String, required: true },
  content: { type: String, required: true },
  author: { type: localgoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
  likes: { type: Number, default: 0 }

// Create models
const User = db.model('User', userSchema);
const Post = db.model('Post', postSchema);

// Create a user
const user = await User.create({
  username: 'john',
  email: '',
  age: 25,
  tags: ['developer']

// Create a post with reference to user
const post = await Post.create({
  title: 'Getting Started',
  content: 'Hello World!',
  author: user._id

// Query with population
const posts = await Post.find()

// Use aggregation pipeline
const stats = await Post.aggregate()
  .match({ author: user._id })
    _id: null,
    totalPosts: { $sum: 1 },
    avgLikes: { $avg: '$likes' }

API Reference


// Connect to database
const db = await localgoose.connect('./mydb');

// Create separate connection
const connection = await localgoose.createConnection('./mydb');

Schema Definition

const schema = new localgoose.Schema({
  // Basic types
  string: { type: String, required: true },
  number: { type: Number, default: 0 },
  boolean: { type: Boolean },
  date: { type: Date, default: },
  objectId: { type: localgoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'OtherModel' },
  buffer: localgoose.Schema.Types.Buffer,
  uuid: localgoose.Schema.Types.UUID,
  bigInt: localgoose.Schema.Types.BigInt,
  mixed: localgoose.Schema.Types.Mixed,
  map: localgoose.Schema.Types.Map,
  // Arrays and Objects
  array: { type: Array, default: [] },
  object: {
    type: Object,
    default: {
      key: 'value'

// Virtual properties
schema.virtual('fullName').get(function() {
  return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

// Instance methods
schema.method('getInfo', function() {
  return `${this.username} (${this.age})`;

// Static methods
schema.static('findByEmail', function(email) {
  return this.findOne({ email });

// Middleware
schema.pre('save', function() {
  this.updatedAt = new Date();
});'save', function() {
  console.log('Document saved:', this._id);

// Indexes
schema.index({ email: 1 }, { unique: true });
schema.index({ title: 'text', content: 'text' });

Model Operations


// Create a single document
const doc = await Model.create({
  field: 'value'

// Create multiple documents
const docs = await Model.create([
  { field: 'value1' },
  { field: 'value2' }

// Insert many documents
const docs = await Model.insertMany([
  { field: 'value1' },
  { field: 'value2' }
], {
  ordered: true, // Optional: documents are inserted in order
  lean: true     // Optional: returns plain objects instead of documents


// Find all documents
const docs = await Model.find();

// Find with specific conditions
const docs = await Model.find({
  field: 'value',
  number: { $gt: 10 }

// Find one document
const doc = await Model.findOne({
  field: 'value'

// Find by ID
const doc = await Model.findById(id);

// Count documents
const count = await Model.countDocuments({
  field: 'value'

// Estimated count (faster but not exact)
const count = await Model.estimatedDocumentCount();

// Check if document exists
const exists = await Model.exists({ field: 'value' });

// Get distinct values
const values = await Model.distinct('field', { type: 'specific' });

// Find with population
const doc = await Model.findOne({ field: 'value' })


// Update one document
const result = await Model.updateOne(
  { field: 'value' },            // filter
  { $set: { newField: 'new' }},  // update
  { upsert: true }               // options

// Update many documents
const result = await Model.updateMany(
  { field: 'value' },
  { $set: { newField: 'new' }}

// Find one and update
const doc = await Model.findOneAndUpdate(
  { field: 'value' },
  { $set: { newField: 'new' }},
    new: true,      // return updated document
    upsert: true    // create if not exists

// Find by ID and update
const doc = await Model.findByIdAndUpdate(
  { $set: { field: 'new' }},
  { new: true }

// Replace one document
const result = await Model.replaceOne(
  { field: 'value' },
  { newDocument: true }

// Increment a field
const result = await Model.increment(
  { field: 'value' },  // filter
  'counter',           // field to increment
  5                    // increment amount (default: 1)


// Delete one document
const result = await Model.deleteOne({
  field: 'value'

// Delete many documents
const result = await Model.deleteMany({
  field: 'value'

// Find one and delete
const doc = await Model.findOneAndDelete({
  field: 'value'

// Find by ID and delete
const doc = await Model.findByIdAndDelete(id);

// Find by ID and remove (alias for findByIdAndDelete)
const doc = await Model.findByIdAndRemove(id);

Bulk Operations

// Bulk write operations
const result = await Model.bulkWrite([
    insertOne: {
      document: { field: 'value' }
    updateOne: {
      filter: { field: 'value' },
      update: { $set: { field: 'new' }}
    deleteOne: {
      filter: { field: 'value' }
], {
  ordered: true // Optional: operations are executed in order

// Bulk save documents
const result = await Model.bulkSave([
  new Model({ field: 'value1' }),
  new Model({ field: 'value2' })
], {
  ordered: true

Query API

// Chainable query methods
const docs = await Model.find()
  .where('tags').in(['tag1', 'tag2'])
  .select('field1 field2')

// Advanced queries with geospatial support
const docs = await Model.find()
    center: [longitude, latitude],
    maxDistance: 5000

// Text search
const docs = await Model.find()
  .equals({ $search: 'keyword' })

Aggregation Pipeline

const results = await Model.aggregate()
  .match({ field: 'value' })
    _id: '$groupField',
    total: { $sum: 1 },
    avg: { $avg: '$numField' }
  .sort({ total: -1 })

Backup and Restore

// Create backup
const backupPath = await Model.backup();

// Restore from backup
await Model.restore(backupPath);

// List backups
const backups = await Model.listBackups();

// Clean up old backups
await Model.cleanupBackups();

Supported Update Operators

Field Update Operators

  • $set: Sets the value of a field
  • $unset: Removes the specified field from a document
  • $rename: Renames a field
  • $setOnInsert: Sets the value of a field if an update results in an insert

Increment/Decrement Operators

  • $inc: Increments the value of a field by the specified amount
  • $mul: Multiplies the value of a field by the specified amount
  • $min: Updates the field only if the specified value is less than the existing value
  • $max: Updates the field only if the specified value is greater than the existing value

Array Update Operators

  • $push: Adds an item to an array
  • $pull: Removes all array elements that match a specified query
  • $addToSet: Adds elements to an array only if they do not already exist
  • $pop: Removes the first or last item from an array
  • $pullAll: Removes all matching values from an array

Bitwise Operators

  • $bit: Performs bitwise AND, OR, and XOR updates of integer values

Date Operators

  • $currentDate: Sets the value of a field to the current date

Supported Query Operators

  • equals: Exact match
  • gt: Greater than
  • gte: Greater than or equal
  • lt: Less than
  • lte: Less than or equal
  • in: Match any value in array
  • nin: Not match any value in array
  • regex: Regular expression match
  • exists: Check for existence of a field
  • size: Match the size of an array
  • mod: Match documents where the value of a field modulo some divisor is equal to a specified remainder
  • near: Find documents near a specified point
  • maxDistance: Limit the results to documents within a specified distance from the point
  • within: Find documents within a specified shape
  • box: Find documents within a rectangular box
  • center: Find documents within a specified circle
  • centerSphere: Find documents within a specified spherical circle
  • polygon: Find documents within a specified polygon
  • geoIntersects: Find documents that intersect a specified geometry
  • nearSphere: Find documents near a specified point using spherical geometry
  • text: Full-text search
  • or: Logical OR
  • nor: Logical NOR
  • and: Logical AND
  • elemMatch: Match documents that contain an array field with at least one element that matches all the specified query criteria

Supported Aggregation Operators

  • $match: Filter documents
  • $group: Group documents by expression
  • $sort: Sort documents
  • $limit: Limit number of documents
  • $skip: Skip number of documents
  • $unwind: Deconstruct array field
  • $lookup: Perform left outer join
  • $project: Reshape documents
  • $addFields: Add new fields
  • $facet: Process multiple aggregation pipelines
  • $bucket: Categorize documents into buckets
  • $sortByCount: Group and count documents
  • $densify: Fill gaps in time-series data
  • $graphLookup: Perform recursive search on a collection
  • $unionWith: Combine documents from another collection
  • $count: Count the number of documents
  • $out: Write the result to a collection
  • $merge: Merge the result with a collection
  • $replaceRoot: Replace the input document with the specified document
  • $set: Add new fields or update existing fields in documents
  • $unset: Remove specified fields from documents

Supported Group Accumulators

  • $sum: Calculate sum
  • $avg: Calculate average
  • $min: Get minimum value
  • $max: Get maximum value
  • $push: Accumulate values into array
  • $first: Get first value
  • $last: Get last value
  • $addToSet: Add unique values to array
  • $stdDevPop: Calculate population standard deviation
  • $stdDevSamp: Calculate sample standard deviation
  • $mergeObjects: Merge objects into a single object

Advanced Features

Schema Validation

const schema = new localgoose.Schema({
  email: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
    validate: {
      validator: function(v) {
        return /\S+@\S+\.\S+/.test(v);
      message: props => `${props.value} is not a valid email!`
  age: {
    type: Number,
    min: [18, 'Must be at least 18'],
    max: [120, 'Must be no more than 120']
  password: {
    type: String,
    minlength: 8,
    match: /^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])/

Middleware Hooks

// Document middleware
schema.pre('save', async function() {
  if (this.isModified('password')) {
    this.password = await hash(this.password);

// Query middleware
schema.pre('find', function() {
  this.where({ isActive: true });

// Aggregation middleware
schema.pre('aggregate', function() {
  this.pipeline().unshift({ $match: { isDeleted: false } });

Virtual Population

schema.virtual('posts', {
  ref: 'Post',
  localField: '_id',
  foreignField: 'author',
  justOne: false,
  options: { sort: { createdAt: -1 } }

Schema Inheritance

const baseSchema = new localgoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  createdAt: Date

const userSchema = new localgoose.Schema({
  email: String,
  password: String


Custom Types

class Point {
  constructor(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

const pointSchema = new localgoose.Schema({
  location: {
    type: Point,
    validate: {
      validator: v => v instanceof Point,
      message: 'Invalid point'

File Structure

Each model's data is stored in a separate JSON file:

  ├── User.json
  ├── Post.json
  └── Comment.json

Error Handling

Localgoose provides detailed error messages for:

  • Schema validation failures
  • Required field violations
  • Type casting errors
  • Query execution errors
  • Reference population errors

Best Practices

  1. Schema Design

    • Define schemas with proper types and validation
    • Use references for related data
    • Implement virtual properties for computed fields
    • Add middleware for common operations
  2. Querying

    • Use proper query operators
    • Limit result sets for better performance
    • Use projection to select only needed fields
    • Populate references only when needed
  3. File Management

    • Regularly backup your JSON files
    • Monitor file sizes
    • Implement proper error handling
    • Use atomic operations when possible
  4. Performance Optimization

    • Use indexes for frequently queried fields
    • Implement pagination for large datasets
    • Cache frequently accessed data
    • Use lean queries when possible
  5. Data Integrity

    • Implement proper validation
    • Use transactions when needed
    • Handle errors gracefully
    • Keep backups up to date


  • Not suitable for large datasets (>10MB per collection)
  • No support for transactions
  • Limited query performance compared to real databases
  • Basic relationship support through references
  • No real-time updates or change streams
  • No distributed operations


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




Anas Qiblawi


Inspired by Mongoose, the elegant MongoDB ODM for Node.js.