A generic based abstraction layer on top of Firestore.
- Firebase/Firestore: a scalable NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data for client and server-side development.
- Google/Promises: a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift to facilitate writing asynchronous code.
- Identity: a small library that makes it easy to create type-safe identifiers in Swift.
- Support Codable.
- Support Promises.
- Provide easy to use read and write operations.
- KeyPath based query builder.
- Type-safe identifiers.
Your model must be conformed to Entity
protocol which conformed to Codable
For example:
struct Book: Entity {
var id: ID = ""
var title: String
var author: String
var releaseDate: Date?
var pages: Int
Conform to QueryKey
protocol to enable KeyPath query.
extension Book: QueryKey {
static var keys: [PartialKeyPath<Book>: CodingKey] {
return [
\Self.id: CodingKeys.id,
\Self.title: CodingKeys.title,
\Self.author: CodingKeys.author,
\Self.releaseDate: CodingKeys.releaseDate,
\Self.pages: CodingKeys.pages
The usecase is a protocol which do one specific thing.
protocol BooksUseCase {
func loadBooks() -> Promise<[Book]>
func loadBook(byID id: Book.ID) -> Promise<Book>
func saveBook(_ book: Book) -> Promise<Void>
func updateBook(_ book: Book) -> Promise<Void>
func deleteBook(byID id: Book.ID) -> Promise<Void>
Concrete implmentation of the BooksUseCase
final class DefaultBooksUseCase<Repository: AbstractRepository> where Repository.Value == Book {
private let repository: Repository
init(repository: Repository) {
self.repository = repository
extension DefaultBooksUseCase: BooksUseCase {
func loadBooks() -> Promise<[Book]> {
return repository.query {
$0.filter(by: \.author, equal: "George R. R. Martin")
.order(by: \.releaseDate)
.limit(to: 5)
func loadBook(byID id: Book.ID) -> Promise<Book> {
return repository.fetch(byID: id)
func saveBook(_ book: Book) -> Promise<Void> {
return repository.save(entity: book)
func updateBook(_ book: Book) -> Promise<Void> {
return repository.update(entity: book)
func deleteBook(byID id: Book.ID) -> Promise<Void> {
return repository.delete(byID: id)
It helps to hide the concrete implementation of use case.
protocol UseCaseFactory {
func makeBooksUseCase() -> BooksUseCase
final class DefaultUseCaseFactory: UseCaseFactory {
func makeBooksUseCase() -> BooksUseCase {
let path = Path("books")
let repository = FirestoreRepository<Book>(path: path)
return DefaultBooksUseCase(repository: repository)
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate FirestoreClient into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'FirestoreClient'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Anas Alhasani