If your home directory is not shared on the SLURM cluster, then you must define a sandbox directory, which DDS will use to store SLURM job script and all jobs' working directories will be also located there. Please note, that at the moment DDS doesn't clean jobs' working directories, therefore you are responsible to remove them if needed.
In order to set sandbox directory a DDS global option server.sandbox_dir
have to be changed, which is located in the DDS configuration file DDS.cfg
(default location: $HOME/.DDS/DDS.cfg
Using dds-submit -c My_SLURM.cfg command you can provide additional configuration options for DDS SLURM jobs.
For example, the following command will submit 10 DDS agents (each with 50 task slots) and will use additional SLURM configuration options provided in the My_SLURM.cfg
dds-submit -r slurm -n 10 --slots 50 -c My_SLURM.cfg
The content of the custom SLURM job configuration file can be any sbatch
parameter, except srun
and --array
For example, My_SLURM.cfg can contain:
#SBATCH -A "account"
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
Submit 10 DDS agents to SLURM cluster. On the SLURM submitter machine execute:
$ dds-submit -r slurm -n 10
dds-submit: Contacting DDS commander on lxbk0200.gsi.de:20001 ...
dds-submit: Connection established.
dds-submit: Requesting server to process job submission...
dds-submit: Server reports: Creating new worker package...
dds-submit: Server reports: RMS plug-in: /u/manafov/DDS/1.1.61.g474ddc6/plugins/dds-submit-slurm/dds-submit-slurm
dds-submit: Server reports: Initializing RMS plug-in...
dds-submit: Server reports: RMS plug-in is online. Startup time: 17ms.
dds-submit: Server reports: Plug-in: Generating SLURM Job script...
dds-submit: Server reports: Plug-in: Preparing job submission...
dds-submit: Server reports: Plug-in: pipe log engine: Submitting DDS Job on the SLURM cluster...
dds-submit: Server reports: Plug-in: pipe log engine: SLURM: Submitted batch job 9539993
dds-submit: Server reports: Plug-in: DDS agents have been submitted
Check the status of your SLURM jobs:
scontrol show job 9539993
Check the status of your DDS agents:
dds-info -ln
Once agents are online, use DDS as normal.