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Authorization proxy to connect to the Haal Centraal API.


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Haal Centraal API

This is a proxy service to connect to the Haal Centraal API. It filters requests and enforces token-based authorization.


Haal Centraal offers national services for accessing government data. These services are designed to support broad access, and don't offer much refined authorization policies. Such feature has to be implemented by each municipality that implements the API.

This service does this based on policy files (tbd, but likely in "Amsterdam Schema").



  • Python >= 3.12
  • Recommended: Docker/Docker Compose (or pyenv for local installs)

Using Docker Compose

Run docker compose:

docker compose up

Navigate to localhost:8095.

Using Local Python

Create a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install all packages in it:

pip install -U wheel pip
cd src/
make install  # installs src/requirements_dev.txt

Start the Django application:

export PUB_JWKS="$(cat jwks_test.json)"
export HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_URL="http://localhost:5010/haalcentraal/api/brp/personen"
export DJANGO_DEBUG=true

./ runserver localhost:8000

Example Requests

Example request (directly to the Haal Centraal Mock API):

curl -X POST http://localhost:5010/haalcentraal/api/brp/personen -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type": "ZoekMetPostcodeEnHuisnummer", "postcode": "1074VE", "huisnummer": 1, "fields": ["naam"]}'

And the same can be repeated on the Django instance if you pass a token:

export TOKEN="$(./ benk-brp-api benk-brp-zoekvraag-postcode-huisnummer benk-brp-gegevensset-1)"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/brp/personen -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d '{"type": "ZoekMetPostcodeEnHuisnummer", "postcode": "1074VE", "huisnummer": 1, "fields": ["naam"]}'

Same for search by BSN:

export TOKEN="$(./ benk-brp-api benk-brp-zoekvraag-bsn benk-brp-gegevensset-1)"
curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/brp/personen -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d '{"type": "RaadpleegMetBurgerservicenummer", "burgerservicenummer": ["010082426"]}'


The type field is required for all request types. The fields parameter is not required in the proxy, as it will be generated based on your token scopes.

All possible parameters are documented in the Haal Centraal documentation.

Available Endpoints

The following URLs are available:

API Description Setting for Proxy URL Docs
/api/brp/personen Person details. HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_PERSONEN_URL docs
/api/brp/bewoningen Who lived at an address. HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_BEWONINGEN_URL docs
/api/brp/verblijfsplaatshistorie All addresses where someone lived. HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_VERBLIJFSPLAATS_HISTORIE_URL docs

Environment Settings

The following environment variables are useful for configuring a local development environment:

  • DJANGO_DEBUG to enable debugging (true/false).
  • LOG_LEVEL log level for application code (default is DEBUG for debug, INFO otherwise).
  • AUDIT_LOG_LEVEL log level for audit messages (default is INFO).
  • DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL log level for Django internals (default is INFO).
  • PUB_JWKS allows to give publically readable JSON Web Key Sets in JSON format (good default: jq -c < src/jwks_test.json).


  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_PERSONEN_URL endpoint for the Haal Centraal BRP Personen API.
  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_BEWONINGEN_URL endpoint for the BRP occupancy URL.
  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_BRP_VERBLIJFSPLAATS_HISTORIE_URL endpoint for the address history URL.
  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_API_KEY the API key for Haal Centraal
  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_CERT_FILE the mTLS certificate for Haal Centraal.
  • HAAL_CENTRAAL_KEY_FILE the mTLS key file for Haal Centraal.


  • ALLOWED_HOSTS will limit which domain names can connect.
  • AZURE_APPI_CONNECTION_STRING Azure Insights configuration.
  • AZURE_APPI_AUDIT_CONNECTION_STRING Same, for a special audit logging.
  • CLOUD_ENV=azure will enable Azure-specific telemetry.
  • STATIC_URL defines the base URL for static files (e.g. to point to a CDN).
  • OAUTH_JWKS_URL point to a public JSON Web Key Set, e.g.{tenant_uuid or 'common'}/discovery/v2.0/keys.

Hardening deployment:

  • SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE is already true in production.
  • CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE is already true in production.
  • SECRET_KEY is used for various encryption code.
  • CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS can be true/false to allow all websites to connect.
  • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS allows a list of origin URLs to use.
  • CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN_REGEXES supports a list of regex patterns fow allowed origins.

Developer Notes

Run make in the src folder to have a help-overview of all common developer tasks.

Package Management

The packages are managed with pip-compile.

To add a package, update the file and run make requirements. This will update the "lockfile" aka requirements.txt that's used for pip installs.

To upgrade all packages, run make upgrade, followed by make install and make test. Or at once if you feel lucky: make upgrade install test.

Environment Settings

Consider using direnv for automatic activation of environment variables. It automatically sources an .envrc file when you enter the directory. This file should contain all lines in the export VAR=value format.

In a similar way, pyenv helps to install the exact Python version, and will automatically activate the virtualenv when a .python-version file is found:

pyenv install 3.12.4
pyenv virtualenv 3.12.4 haal-centraal-proxy
echo haal-centraal-proxy > .python-version

Test BSN Numbers

The docker mock API uses this JSON test dataset. We've found these to be useful:

Feature BSN
Met adelijke titel 000009830
Met parter 010082426
Gescheiden 999991905
Overleden 999970239
Staatloos 999991504
Verblijfstitel 000009908
Immigratie 000009842
heeft ouders met bsn 999970665
Gezag double combo 999970057
Met einddatum en gezag 999970884
Indicatiecurateel register 999993690
Geëmigreerd 999990585
inOnderzoek 999990378
Nationaliteit onbekend 999993367

The acceptance environment (proefomgeving) of Haal Centraal uses a different GABA-V test dataset to simulate the production environment in the best possible way.

Also note that this proxy can limit the results.

  • When the scope benk-brp-landelijk is missing, only results within Amsterdam are returned.
  • When the scope benk-brp-geheimhouding-persoonsgegevens is missing, persons with geheimhoudingPersoonsgegevens are omitted.


Authorization proxy to connect to the Haal Centraal API.



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