Releases: Amsterdam/3DAmsterdam
Releases · Amsterdam/3DAmsterdam
Grid based imports, PDOK sewerage and tile loading optimisations
- added root object for all Netherlands3D objects to reduce conflicts when forks pull new changes
- added system that autodetects grid based obj imports, and allow placement via grid snapping and automatic masking of obj bounds area (both toggled via checkboxes in sidepanel)
- added system that autodetects materials in obj's that can be overridden by library materials (and apply via confirmation in sidepanel)
- extra help message to explain placement of objects with mouse
- added SewerageLayer support for pdok API with a new setting in the config file
- extra camera frustum based filter to reduce tiles that are loaded to the ones that are within the camera field of view
- underground masking dome ignores buildings again
- increased max. number of simultanious tile loads from 5 to the browser max. of 6
- changed TileHandler and Layers to interupt async processes directly (when they moved out of camera view) allowing tiles that are in view to be loaded earlier
- combined canvas icons in a texture atlas to make the canvas render faster
- engine update to unity 2019.4.26
Masking layer and tools
- New mask layer
- More compression on larger assets
- Removed .csv files from build (No longer in Resources folder)
- Collada import improvements
- New system for remapping imported 3d model materials to existing ones (disabled in release)
- Masking tools available in left menu
- Small bugfixes with interface layers / and enabling disabling objects
Coordinates Clouds and Collada
- RD coordinate based tiles
- Added skybox selection
- Added Collada export next to DXF
- Downloads now trigger grid selection
- New help notice system, now used for grid download selection and fps
- New system for filtering monoliths from tiles
DXF export and sidebar tabs
- Added a user option to do a grid selection, and export selected layers to a DXF file
- Moved a lot of interface items to the right sidepanel under tabs, giving different object types their own list
Performance and settings
- Reduced GC allocations
- Simplified ground shaders
- Tile loading priority now correctly uses distance from camera
- Reduced texture sizes / increased compression
- Moved quality settings to the sidebar
- Quality settings now use profiles that are persistent/saved via playerprefs
- Added shadow quality slider
- Added optional reflections (mainly visible at water shader now)
- Added developer profiling tools to compare profiler recordings
Hotfix FPS counting
Hotfix for displaying fps counter (and enabling analytics for fps from the start)
- Snapshot feature added to main menu allowing users to create snapshots of the 3D view with options to hide menu items, and change the output resolution
- Draggable/auto ordering 'floating' panels
- Solved bug where the contextmenu 'Transform' options were greyed out or unavailable when hovering a 3D gizmo
Distinctive textured ground elements
- new ground tiles using tile handler
- unique materials and textures for different parts of the ground layer
- switched most interactions to Selector interactions and disabling/enabling action maps
- added multiselect outliner to sidepanel
- Added 3D translation,rotation and scaling gizmo's on user-added models and shapes
- Selection exclusive rendering of object in sidepanel thumbnail, without other objects. Automatic updates of the thumbnail if object scale/rotation was changed.
- Improved rendering of thumbnail with antialiasing
- TileHandler calculation of what tiles are in view is now correct
- User highlighting of buildings no longer stops all tile download progresses that was interupting any other tile downloads/upgrades
- If a mobile device is detected, the minimap is no longer on by default, and draw distances are decreased, to allow more mobile devices to view 3D amsterdam ( without running out of memory )
- Styling of HTML dialogs matches overall style now
- Arrows input allowing camera movement is now restored
Sidebar and transform
- Object data moved to the sidebar
- Sewerage generation now shares same tiling system as buildings and trees
- Tile priority order is now Remove, Update Closest tiles, Update other tiles
- Custom models and shapes can now be transformed via a transformpanel in the sidebar