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This project demonstrates how you can create feature files in one language, but specify values using a different locale. In this case, the feature file is in English and the values are specified using the Austrian formatting convention. That means:

  • A comma is used as the decimal separator
  • Dates are specified in the DD.MM.YYYY format

The feature file contains the following values (Austrian format):

  • 1050,1: In words, this is "one thousand and fifty and one tenth", and corresponds to 1050.1 when using a decimal point as the decimal separator.
  • 22.12.2010: The 22nd of December 2010.

The conversion is handled in AustrianLocalizationTransformer.cs.

The steps (ConvertSteps.cs) assert that the number is equal to "1050.1" (i.e. using the English format) and that the date is equal to the 22nd of December 2010.