Virtual assistant written in python
in any working directory and it should work!
- timer
- renaming files
- weather in city
- weather in your location (by IP)
- opening web browser
- language switcher (no need to edit
- timer -
(set )?timer (to )? [0-9]+ .+
- example:set timer 5 min
- rename file -
rename .+ to .+
- example:rename foo.txt to bar.txt
- exit -
- example:quit
- weather in city -
(what is )?(the )?weather (in )?.+
- example:weather in London
- weather in your location -
(what is )?(the )?weather
- example:what is weather
- switching language -
language .+
- example:language english
Note: commands (not examples) are written in regex here
If you want to install an extension, just copy/paste it into extensions
- Guess the number
- Digital clock
If you want to switch language, put language file into languages
directory and change contents of language.txt
file to name of your language file (without .json extension) or use language switcher (builtin command).
- English
- Slovak