This is the full data set from Ritger et al, Repeated social stress increases posterior medial amygdala neuronal activity in stress-susceptible adult male rats. The full citation will be added after manuscript acceptance. There are two files: FINAL_FOR UPLOAD-Ephys All Other Data-ACR_AR.xlsx FINAL_FOR UPLOAD-Ephys Neurons-ACR_AR.xlsx
FILE 1 FINAL_FOR UPLOAD-Ephys All Other Data-ACR_AR.xlsx This file contains the following data: Rat# Condition Resilient/Susceptible Rat body weight each day of the protocol Number of attacks each day Latency to first attack each day Submission status Total time exposed to aggressive rat SI_duration_s SI_num_interactions SI_time_interacting_s (total and at each minute)
Additional measures analyzed in study: Social_drive_mutual_s Social_drive_initiated_s Social_drive_avoided_s Social_drive_ratio Social_engagement_index Social_SIMBA_active_avoidance_#_bouts Social_SIMBA_nose_face_time_s Social_SIMBA_nose_neck_time_s Social_SIMBA_nose_flank_time_s Social_SIMBA_nose_anogenital_time_s Social_SIMBA_nose_shoulder_time_s Social_SIMBA_total_targetted_invesitgation_time_s
And information relevant to electrophysiology studies: Ephys_date and time Ephys_age Ephys_weight Ephys_days_since_last_defeat Ephys_Urethane_total dose Ephys_Urethane_total_dose_mL/g Ephys_Stim_Location_Ch1 Ephys_Stim_Location_Ch2 Ephys_Neurons recorded at each track Ephys_Avg_neurons_per_track
It also contains data relevant to rat itself: Supplier Breed Sex Arrival_date Arrival_age_range1_d Arrival_age_range2_d Housing_Room Housing_#_Per_Cage Diet Light_Cycle SD_start_date SD_start_age_range1_d SD_start_age_range2_d And data relevant to conditions Date and time of data collections Social interactor rat details
FILE 2 FINAL_FOR UPLOAD-Ephys Neurons-ACR_AR.xlsx This file contains: Condition Ephys_date Rat_ID Treatment Location of stimulation electrodes Projected_Coordinate (stereotaxic) Depth Record_Location Action potential Half_width_us and number of action potentials Firing_rate_Hz Antidromic response There is also information about: Chart_Num Filter_Hz Threshold_uV Analysis_latency_s Analysis_length_m Analysis_length_s