The robot is trapped in a maze and must escape it. We use SLAM and NAV2 to help the bot navigate. We are using the URDF model of the turtlebot3 for this purpose.
The ROS packages of turtlebot3, Cartographer and Nav2 are required.
For example, you can install Cartographer on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS by the following command:
sudo apt install ros-humble-cartographer
for Nav2-
sudo apt install ros-humble-cartographer
Clone the git files of turtlebot3 in a new workspace using-
git clone
- launch/ : contains launch file for starting the simulation / running of the model in gazebo
- map/ : contains the map generated using cartographer and SLAM
- worlds/ : contains the world to be loaded in Gazebo
Clone this repository into a ROS catkin workspace
Build and source the workspace
To view this robot model on Gazebo:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
Control the robot inside Gazebo by launching it using the following launch file:
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
This will launch the turtlebot3 in gazebo.
In another terminal start the cartographer launch file-
ros2 launch turtlebot3_cartographer use_sim_time:=True
This will open Rviz2 where you will be able to see the local and global costmaps.
To control the turtlebot3 in gazebo and generate the map use-
ros2 run turtlebot3_teleop teleop_keyboard
Now create the map by moving the bot around till there is not so much grey area left.
To save the map generated using the cartographer-
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f map/maze
To fix the map install gimp-
sudo apt install gimp
Open gimp and open the map and fix all the boundaries to make sure the bot does not escape through them
Start the robot in gazebo-
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
Start in a different terminal the navigation-
ros2 launch turtlebot3_navigation2 use_sim_time:=True map:=map/maze.yaml
This will start Rviz along with the generated map
Using the 2d pose estimate input the initial pose of the robot, you will be able to see the global and local costmap.
Using the select goal option , you cana select the exit of the maze and the robot will navigate its way to the exit.
Alternatively , you can also input the waypoints and the initial pose through a python scrip and interact programmatically with nav2.