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How to set up

Michel Machado edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 23 revisions

If you still don't have a kernel with XIA stack and package xiaconf installed, please go to page How to install.

Not all operations below require administrative rights, but for simplicity, the text assumes that you are logged in as root.

Notice that for each principal there two routing tables: local and main. Table local holds all XIDs that are hosted on the machine, whereas table main holds all other XIDs.

Important. the XIA stack is often compiled as kernel modules, so, before you evoke a principal, make sure that you have the principal loaded. See section Installing to see how to load principals, and how to automatically load them during the boot. Forgetting to do this, will lead to errors such as RTNETLINK answers : Unknown error 134.

Table of Contents

XIP's DST Table

XIP's DST Table, or simply DST for short, is a routing cache table that maps all four edges of the last node of an address to methods that can route that address. DST is how Linux XIA implements fast-path routing since a DST entry has all information necessary to fully forward a packet.

Although XIA stack automatically maintains its DST, developers may want to dump or flush DST for debugging/testing purposes. The following example shows how to inspect DST's content, and flush it:

 # xip dst show
 0: ad-ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
 1: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 2: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 3: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 input, key_hash=0xc05c7062, chosen_edge=0
 flags []
 0: hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 1: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 2: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 3: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 output, key_hash=0xcdc40576, chosen_edge=0
 flags []
 0: hid-75ad3b8cc86c9356224b83f18bdb4465aac0f6d8
 1: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 2: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 3: nat-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
 input, key_hash=0x1854f67e, chosen_edge=0
 flags []
 # xip dst flush
 # xip dst show

AD Principal

Managing AD local routing table

In order to add AD ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 and AD eeeeee830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 as local ADs, issue the following commands:

 # xip ad addlocal ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
 # xip ad addlocal eeeeee830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15

To show the just added local ADs:

 # xip ad show locals
 to ad-eeeeee830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
  flags []
 to ad-ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
  flags []

To remove AD eeeeee830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15, use the following command:

 # xip ad dellocal eeeeee830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15

Managing AD main routing table (routes)

The command below adds destination AD e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 to main table such that packets destined to this AD will be forwarded to hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701.

 # xip ad addroute e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 \
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701

The command to list all table main is as follows:

 # xip ad show routes
 to ad-e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701 flags []

The command below undoes the previous xip ad addroute.

 # xip ad delroute e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15

HID Principal

Obtaining HIDs

One needs to generate HIDs in order to set addresses to a machine. The command xip shown below generate an HID and save it to "/etc/xia/hid/prv/xia1":

 # xip hid new xia1

Notice that "#" means the shell is running with root privileges. The content of the generated file is shown below:

 # cat /etc/xia/hid/prv/xia1 

Notice that the content will be different every time it is generated. The content of the file is just the HID's private key in PEM format.

Obtaining the HID and its public key

In some occasions, one may want to pass an address to another machine. This can be done as follows:

 # xip hid getpub xia1
 -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

To save it as a file, just redirect the output with '>'. Notice that the output has the public key, not the private key, so the content can be openly published, but cannot be used to assign an address to a machine.

Managing a machine's HID

An address can be assigned to a machine as follows:

 # xip hid addaddr xia1

The following command shows all assigned HIDs:

 # xip hid showaddrs
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 flags []

The following sequence of commands shows how to remove an HID:

 # xip hid new xia2
 # xip hid addaddr xia2
 # xip hid showaddrs
 to hid-772a66684976473f1a781086fb51521f2eaa4044
 flags []
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 flags []
 # xip hid deladdr xia2
 # xip hid showaddrs
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 flags []

Managing a machine's HID neighbors

Neighborhood Watch Protocol (NWP) automatically manages a machine's HID neighbors, so there is no real need for using the commands in this section. These commands are mainly intended for troubleshooting.

A neighbor can be added to a machine as follows:

 # xip hid addneigh 7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96 \
 lladdr 00:90:f5:ba:71:5f dev eth0

The following command shows all added neighbors:

 # xip hid showneighs
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 lladdr: 00:90:f5:ba:71:5f	dev: eth0
 flags []

The following sequence of commands shows how to remove a neighbor:

 # xip hid addneigh 12347f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96 \
 lladdr DE:AD:f5:ba:BE:EF dev eth0
 # xip hid showneighs
 to hid-12347f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 lladdr: de:ad:f5:ba:be:ef	dev: eth0
 flags []
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 lladdr: 00:90:f5:ba:71:5f	dev: eth0
 flags []
 # xip hid delneigh 12347f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96 \
 lladdr DE:AD:f5:ba:BE:EF dev eth0
 # xip hid showneighs
 to hid-7ac27f90663ef36da12cfcc37c9a6bb6b85dec96
 lladdr: 00:90:f5:ba:71:5f	dev: eth0
 flags []

LPM Principal

Managing LPM local routing table

The LPM principal allows users to add prefixes to the routing table using either hexadecimal format or IPv4 address format.

In order to add LPM ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 with a prefix length of all 160 bits as a local LPM, issue the following command (note the "0x" must be prepended to the identifier):

 # xip lpm addlocal 0xffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 160

To make only some of these bits part of the prefix length, change the last parameter. For example, to make the prefix length 50, issue this command:

 # xip lpm addlocal 0xffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 50

If the identifier does not contain all 40 hexadecimal digits, it will be padded with zeroes. For example, to add a prefix for fff0000000000000000000000000000000000000 of length 160, issue this command:

 # xip lpm addlocal 0xfff 160

IPv4 addresses can also be used as identifiers. To add an entry for the IPv4 address with a prefix length of 24, issue this command:

 # xip lpm addlocal 24

To show the just added local ADs, issue the following command (note that the prefix length is printed after the XID):

 # xip lpm show locals
 to lpm-ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15/160
  flags []
 to lpm-ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15/50
  flags []
 to lpm-fff0000000000000000000000000000000000000/160
  flags []
 to lpm-c0a8000a00000000000000000000000000000000/24
  flags []

To remove LPM ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 with prefix length 50, use the following command:

 # xip lpm dellocal 0xffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 50

Managing LPM main routing table (routes)

The command below adds destination LPM ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 with a prefix length of 50 to the main table such that packets that match this LPM will be forwarded to hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701.

 # xip lpm addroute 0xffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 50 \
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701

As with adding local entries, zero padding is added if the given hexadecimal ID is not 40 digits, and users can also add main entries using IPv4 addresses.

The command to list all LPMs in the main table is as follows:

 # xip lpm show routes
 to lpm-ffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15/50
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701 flags []

The command below undoes the previous xip lpm addroute.

 # xip lpm delroute 0xffffff830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 50

(Deprecated) Serval Principal

The Serval principal is no longer part of Linux XIA since March 9th, 2016.

Showing Serval sockets

Serval has two local tables, one for ServalIDs and another for FlowIDs, and both are kept through Socket API, so the command xip can only list the bounded sockets as in these examples:

 # xip serval showsockets service
 local serval-007f4e38904e83634acc7e1340ef7665e3f1f57b
 socket state = CONNECTED flags []
 local serval-007f4e38904e83634acc7e1340ef7665e3f1f57a
 socket state = LISTEN flags []
 # xip serval showsockets flow
 local flowid-1a67a6bf1a2fe2e24cca494f014107495587f981
 peer !serval-007f4e38904e83634acc7e1340ef7665e3f1f57b->0***
 socket state = CONNECTED flags []
 local flowid-1967a6bf1a2fe2e2505ee1a87860c4499f519a7a
 peer !serval-007f4e38904e83634acc7e1340ef7665e3f1f57a->0***
 socket state = CONNECTED flags []

Managing Serval main routing table (routes)

The command below adds destination Serval e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 to main table such that packets destined to this ServalID will be forwarded to hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701.

 # xip serval addroute service e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 \
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701

The command to list all ServalID main table is as follows:

 # xip serval showroutes service
 to serval-e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701 flags []

The command below undoes the previous xip serval addroute service.

 # xip serval delroute service e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15

The management of FlowID main table is done replacing "service" to "flow" in the previous commands.

U4ID Principal

Managing U4ID local routing table

There is only a local routing table for U4IDs; main U4IDs, or routes, are not recorded. This is because we need to be able to identify when there is a U4ID representing a local socket to be able to do encapsulation and decapsulation. However, the delivery of packets to other hosts is not the responsibility of XIA when using the U4ID principal. Forwarding packets to other hosts is done in the space of the IP stack; therefore, we do not need to keep U4ID route information in the XIA routing table.

Every local U4ID entry that is added to the routing table represents a tunnel destination for an XIP packet encapsulated in a UDP/IP packet. In other words, it represents a local listening UDP socket that is expecting an encapsulated XIP packet. To add a local U4ID entry, the following command can be used:

 # xip u4id add 0x41d0

This will create a UDP socket on the IP address:port tuple of

However, you can optionally specify that a local U4ID entry also represents the source of a tunnel, in addition to representing the destination of a tunnel:

 # xip u4id add 0x41d0 -tunnel

In order for XIP packets to be encapsulated into UDP/IP packets and transmitted, one of the local U4ID entries must have been added with the "-tunnel" flag. Otherwise, there would be no tunnel source from which to send packets. There can only be one tunnel source a time.

By default, UDP checksumming is enabled for every tunnel socket created using the "-tunnel" flag. However, UDP checksumming can also be disabled:

 # xip u4id add 0x41d0 -tunnel -disable_checksum

To remove an entry from the local U4ID table, use "del" instead of "add":

 # xip u4id del 0x41d0

Showing U4ID sockets and tunnels

Any currently listening UDP sockets that are associated with local U4ID entries can be viewed using the "show" command of the xip u4id application. The command will also display whether the socket is the tunnel source socket and whether checksumming is enabled. For example:

 # xip u4id show
 to u4id-c0a8640241d00000000000000000000000000000
  using IP socket:
  tunnel socket: yes (checksumming enabled)
  flags []

XDP Principal

Showing XDP sockets

XDP's local table is kept through Socket API, so the command xip can only list the bounded XDP sockets as in this example:

 # xip xdp shows
 local xdp-007f4e38904e83634acc7e1340ef7665e3f1f57a
 flags []

If the socket above were connected, there would be a line to show its peer's full address.

Managing XDP main routing table (routes)

The command below adds destination XDP e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 to main table such that packets destined to this XDP will be forwarded to hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701.

 # xip xdp addroute e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15 \
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701

The command to list all main table is as follows:

 # xip xdp showroutes
 to xdp-e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
 gw hid-0ef791a4543330d92fa9fb0f0e9c59c24c6df701 flags []

The command below undoes the previous xip xdp addroute.

 # xip xdp delroute e6c604830b595ed20e706088301b516de8c8cf15
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