Bindings to bzip2 library. Procedural API is as easy as pie: you can compress and decompress your files like this:
If you want to make a simple "from Buf to Buf" (de)compressing, you should use something like this:
my buf8 $result = compressToBlob($data); # Data should be encoded.
# or
my Str $result = decompressToBlob($compressed-data).decode;
Also, now we support streaming:
my $compressor =;
loop {
my $dcompressor =;
while !$dcompressor.finished {
my $data-chunk = $dcompressor.decompress($$size));
Your any suggestions, reporting of issues and advices about design of library will be really helpful.
I'm very grateful to authors of perl6 bindings to zlib compression library, since I took their code as example for this work and wrote very similar interface.
- Docs.