- No assignments; 4 lab tests. Sign up for a room, TA gives question, code in editor
- 2 midterms, 1 final
- Keywords – Non fault tolerant, safety/security defect, bad user interface, bad feature interactions, compatibility issues, competing constraints, assumptions (eg expecting nonnull), bad usability
- At its core, software design is the ability to organize code so that it is clear and sustainable
- Centralized vs Distributed VCS
- Centralized – only one database exists, and is located on the VCS server
- Distributed – every computer has its own database, which can be modified independently of the server's database
- A good design space involves – reusability, portability, stability, tolerance, understandability, etc
- A domain should be clearly represented
- For example, representing a card as an integer and using arrays to map it to strings is bad in that:
- It is unclear what the integer actually represents (it could be considered as an index, which it isn't)
- It is not mappable using the entire range of integers; passing a number such as 53 will result in an invalid 'card'
- We may instead create a class 'Card' to wrap the integer
- Encapsulation is a way of hiding an implementation by only exposing certain methods, but it must be done correctly
- Simply wrapping an integer with a getter and setter method is not enough, as it doesn't do anything to prevent exposure
- Instead, we may considering hiding the int altogether, and creating methods that do specifically what a user requires, such as 'getSuit()', 'getRank()', 'toString()', etc
- For example, representing a card as an integer and using arrays to map it to strings is bad in that:
- @Override is an annotation asserting that the same method header exists in a superclass. It helps us avoid typos, and is really nothing more than a lint check. (Side note: there are many other useful annotations, such as @NonNull, @Nullable, @IntRange, @FunctionalInterface, etc)
- Type – set of values and operations
- Avoid hardcoding many edge cases with if else statements; it only clutters the code and requires in exponentially greater test cases.
- 'assert' is used to evaluate a predicate, and throws an exception if the predicate returns false
- In a well encapsulated class, it should not be possible to modify the state of a class without calling a method in that class
- Scopes are nested – variables in an inner brace are not accessible by variables in the outer brace
- Constructors that take references and directly save them to global variables break encapsulation, as such references can be leaked and held even after the constructor
- If we have a class Deck with a stack, along with a method draw() which calls pop(), we may break encapsulation by exposing an EmptyStackException. This tells the user how the deck is implemented
- Private fields are available to any method in the same class. Be careful with methods that pass such private fields to other objects, thus exposing such properties
- Interface – list of methods in a given scope
- Use interface to separate usage from implementation.
- Is a contract, where the implementor is expected to provide the proper implementation
- Benefits of interfaces - loose coupling and extensibility
- UML - diamond is on the side of the collection
- Taught by TA
- Deck building
- Taught by TA
- Iterators and more factory methods
- UML is all about models; queries like isEmpty, or methods that don't change states aren't as necessary
- Boxes are states (not necessarily a procedure) – usually adjectives
- Arrows are actions – verbs
- Guard state – actions with a condition can be denoted as
action [condition]
- Overriding equality
- Check nonnull, check self reference, check same class (exact, not instanceOf), check equality
- Flyweight pattern
- Ensures objects that are equal are never created twice
- Hold a reference to each object, and return a new one or the saved one when applicable
- Reviewed flyweight pattern (open parliament)
- Continue UML diagram for solitaire
- Classes – Deck, Suit Stack, Discard Pile, Card, Working Stack, Game Engine, Iterable (interface), Playing Strategy (interface), Random Strategy, Smart Strategy
- States – fresh, in progress
- In UML diagrams, the 'yellow cards' are notes
- Three components of a test
- Program unit (eg canMoveTo)
- Input data
- Oracle
- Learned a bit about reflection and JUnit
- Implement interfaces (like Comparable) in the same class it pertains to to help with information hiding and access to the private variables.
- Learn observable pattern
- Instead of every model keeping track of shared states, allow them to pass through observers to be called by the actual mutation
- Avoid adding a lot of conditionals based on an observer. Rather let the observers themselves handle such conditions
- GUI Programming in 3 Simple Concepts
Component Graphs Composite/Decorate Patterns Event Loop Frameworks/Concurrency Event Handling Observer Design Pattern - GUI Component Graph
- Visual vs Logical, Static vs Dynamic