This repository contains a microservices-based project that demonstrates the implementation of a Cloud-Config User Service and a Notification Service using Spring Boot, Eureka Discovery Server, and MongoDB/PostgreSQL. The system leverages Feign Clients for inter-service communication and integrates with Eureka Server for service registration and discovery.
- cloud configurations for all services in one service by spring-cloud
- Centralized service registry for dynamic service discovery.
- Enables load balancing and fault tolerance.
- Handles user management operations.
- Supports user creation, retrieval, and persistence in a PostgreSQL database.
- Communicates with the Notification Service to send user-specific notifications.
- Manages notifications for users.
- Stores notification data in a MongoDB collection.
- Provides APIs for saving and retrieving notifications.
- Uses Spring Cloud OpenFeign for declarative REST client communication.
- Supports service discovery and load balancing through Eureka.
- User Service: PostgreSQL with Hibernate for ORM.
- Notification Service: MongoDB with Spring Data MongoDB for NoSQL database operations.
- Spring Boot for microservices.
- Spring Cloud for service discovery and Feign integration.
- MongoDB and PostgreSQL as databases.
- Docker for containerization.