This is a repository for generating minecraft mcfunctions. Works for java version 1.16.4.
Shop sign generation. Uses python dictionaries to create mcfunctions that modify signs into right-clickable purchase signs. Relies on the Money scoreboard. Documentation later...
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The songs module generates mcfunctions from note block studio files that can be played in-game. These songs are played in-game using two player scoreboards timer and MusicID. The timer scoreboard acts as a metronome. It keeps track of when to play notes. The MusicId scoreboard acts as a radio channel. It ensures only one selected song will be played for a given player. The value 0 for MusicID is reserved for no music. Here's a quick overview of the files you'll be using.
In-game Setup
Create scoreboards timer and MusicID initialized to 0.
This is an inefficient solution for playing songs with many notes.
A note block studio file (new or old format)
An mcfunction with the naming scheme "MusicID_NameOfNoteBlockStudioSongFile".
- To generate the mcfunction in the current directory, run python YourNoteBlockStudioFile.nbs.
- Place the mcfunction in the datapack's song folder.
- Call the /reload command to update the datapack.
- Create a command-block in-game with the command function datapack:songs/MusicID_NameOfSong.
- Set the command block to repeat without needing redstone. That's it. You should be hearing the song you have made.
Creates a binary search tree of mcfunctions that Documentation later...