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Update qa-UnitTest-Coverage.yml #6

Update qa-UnitTest-Coverage.yml

Update qa-UnitTest-Coverage.yml #6

name: Qa test and coverage
on: { workflow_dispatch, push: { paths-ignore: [ '**', '!.github/workflows/qa-UnitTest-Coverage.yml' ] } }
# Configuration
strPlatform: x64 # or x86
strNameOccSetupFile: OpenCppCoverageSetup-x64-
strConfiguration: Debug # or Release
strGhTagOccSetupFile: release- # from
strOccExecutable: OpenCppCoverage.exe
strOccHtmlReport: HtmlReportOcc
strCoberturaReport: CoberturaReportOcc.xml
strMergedXmlToHtml: GoogleTestCombinedOutput
relGtestOutput: GtestOutput
module0: GTest1.exe
test_artifact_name: artifact-build-test
qa_artifact_name: artifact-qa-UnitTest_Coverage
uriGistId: f15941c4c8858c6209ad8800fa810539
runs-on: windows-latest
actions: read # for "dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v6"
contents: read # for "actions/checkout@v3" when GITHUB_TOKEN
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set values (windows-latest)
run: | # build from *.sln, all tests
echo "dirTestExecutables=${{ github.workspace }}\qa\UnitTest\bin\${{ env.strPlatform }}\${{ env.strConfiguration }}" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "strCfg=${{ env.strPlatform }}-${{ env.strConfiguration }}" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
echo "dirSetupOcc=${ env:Programfiles }\Occ" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Download artifact
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@v6
github_token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
workflow: build-test.yml
name: ${{ env.test_artifact_name }}
path: ${{ github.workspace }}\qa\UnitTest\bin
search_artifacts: true
- name: Cache tool Occ
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: ${{ env.dirSetupOcc }}
key: cache-key-tool-occ-${{ env.strNameOccSetupFile }}
id: cache-tool-occ
- name: Download tool Occ
if: steps.cache-tool-occ.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
uses: robinraju/release-downloader@v1.8
repository: OpenCppCoverage/OpenCppCoverage
fileName: ${{ env.strNameOccSetupFile }}
tag: ${{ env.strGhTagOccSetupFile }}
- name: Install tool Occ
if: steps.cache-tool-occ.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
$arglist="/VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /DIR=""${{ env.dirSetupOcc }}"" /LOG=""${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strNameOccSetupFile }}.log"""
Start-Process "${{ env.strNameOccSetupFile }}" -ArgumentList $arglist -Wait
#type "${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strNameOccSetupFile }}.log"
- name: Run tool Occ
continue-on-error: true
run: |
# Prepare occ args
$common_args='-q --working_dir "src"'
$modules="--modules ${{ env.dirTestExecutables }}"
$sep = ' --excluded_sources '; $excluded_sources = $sep + ( '"{0}"' -f ( @(
, 'ThirdParty\*'
, 'src\_pch\*'
, 'qa\UnitTest'
, 'D:\a\_work'
, 'C:\Program Files'
) -join '"'+$sep+'"') );
$excluded_line_regex='--excluded_line_regex .*@NOCOVERAGE.*'
# Foreach module execute occ
Function runnerOcc_ ( $arg_program ) {
$export_type="--export_type binary:${{ runner.temp }}\${arg_program}.cov"
$program_to_run="${{ env.dirTestExecutables }}\$arg_program --gtest_brief=1 --gtest_output=xml:${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.relGtestOutput }}\$arg_program.xml"
Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow "${{ env.dirSetupOcc }}\${{ env.strOccExecutable }}" -ArgumentList "$common_args $modules $excluded_sources $excluded_line_regex $export_type -- $program_to_run"
runnerOcc_ ${{ env.module0 }}
# Change html template
$ffnOccTemplate="${{ env.dirSetupOcc }}\Template\MainTemplate.html"
(Get-Content $ffnOccTemplate).replace('{{TITLE}}', 'Merged from all tests') | Set-Content $ffnOccTemplate
# Merge
$export_type="--export_type html:${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strOccHtmlReport }} --export_type cobertura:${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strCoberturaReport }}"
$sep = " --input_coverage ${{ runner.temp }}";
$input_coverage = $sep + ( @(
"\${{ env.module0 }}.cov"
) -join $sep );
Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow "${{ env.dirSetupOcc }}\${{ env.strOccExecutable }}" -ArgumentList "$input_coverage $export_type"
[xml]$oSystem_Xml_XmlDocument = Get-Content ${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strCoberturaReport }};
$oSystem_Xml_XmlElement = $oSystem_Xml_XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName( 'coverage' ).Item( 0 );
$uLinesCovered = $oSystem_Xml_XmlElement.GetAttribute( 'lines-covered' );
$uLinesValid = $oSystem_Xml_XmlElement.GetAttribute( 'lines-valid' );
$dCoveredPercent = ( 100 * ( $uLinesCovered / $uLinesValid ) );
$strCoveredPercent = [math]::Round( $dCoveredPercent, 2 );
echo "strCoverageValue=$strCoveredPercent" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Generate *.svg file for badge TestsCoverage if success
if: ${{ success( ) }}
uses: emibcn/badge-action@v2.0.2
label: Tests coverage
status: ${{ env.strCoverageValue }}%
color: ${{ false
|| env.strCoverageValue > 90 && 'green'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 80 && 'yellow,green'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 70 && 'yellow'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 60 && 'orange,yellow'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 50 && 'orange'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 40 && 'red,orange'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 30 && 'red,red,orange'
|| env.strCoverageValue > 20 && 'red,red,red,orange'
|| 'red' }}
path: TestsCoverage-Occ-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.strCfg }}.svg
# env-s not pass between steps when failure
- name: Generate *.svg file for badge TestsCoverage if failure
if: ${{ failure( ) }}
uses: emibcn/badge-action@v2.0.2
label: Tests coverage
status: failing
color: red
path: TestsCoverage-Occ-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.strCfg }}.svg
- name: Put *.svg file to Gists for badge TestsCoverage
if: ${{ success( ) || failure( ) }} # yes, not 'always( )' because 'cancelled( )'
uses: exuanbo/actions-deploy-gist@v1
token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TO_GIST }}
gist_id: ${{ env.uriGistId }}
file_path: TestsCoverage-Occ-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.strCfg }}.svg
- name: Install xml merger
run: pip install junitparser
- name: Merge xml reports
run: junitparser merge --suite-name AllTests --glob "${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.relGtestOutput }}\*.xml" "${{ env.strCfg }}.xml"
- name: Install gtest xml to html converter
run: git clone
- name: Convert xml to html
working-directory: ./gtest_report # directory html_resources must be in current dir
run: |
py scripts\ "out\index.html" "..\${{ env.strCfg }}.xml"
mv -v "out" ${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strMergedXmlToHtml }}
[xml]$oSystem_Xml_XmlDocument = Get-Content ..\${{ env.strCfg }}.xml
$oSystem_Xml_XmlElement = $oSystem_Xml_XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName( 'testsuites' ).Item( 0 );
$uTests = $oSystem_Xml_XmlElement.GetAttribute( 'tests' );
echo "uTests=$uTests" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Generate *.svg file for badge GoogleTest
uses: emibcn/badge-action@v2.0.2
label: GoogleTest
status: ${{ env.uTests }} testsuites
path: GoogleTest-testsuites-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.strCfg }}.svg
- name: Put *.svg file to Gists for badge GoogleTest
uses: exuanbo/actions-deploy-gist@v1
token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TO_GIST }}
gist_id: ${{ env.uriGistId }}
file_path: GoogleTest-testsuites-${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.strCfg }}.svg
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ env.qa_artifact_name }}
path: |
${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strOccHtmlReport }}
${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strMergedXmlToHtml }}
${{ runner.temp }}\${{ env.strCoberturaReport }}
- name: Parse current workflow filename (windows-latest)
run: |
$strMagicPath = "/.github/workflows/";
$strRepo = "${{ github.repository }}";
$strRef = "${{ github.ref }}";
$strWorkflowFilename = "${{ github.workflow_ref }}";
$strWorkflowFilename = $strWorkflowFilename.Remove( 0, ( $strRepo + $strMagicPath ).Length );
$strWorkflowFilename = $strWorkflowFilename.Replace( ( '@' + $strRef ), '' );
echo "strWorkflowFilename=$strWorkflowFilename" >> $env:GITHUB_ENV
- name: Publish to GitHubPages
uses: peter-evans/repository-dispatch@v2
token: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TO_PUBLIC_REPO }}
repository: Alex0vSky/project-qa-report
event-type: a0s_event_public_pages
client-payload: '{"project": "${{ }}", "repo": "${{ github.repository }}", "workflow": "${{env.strWorkflowFilename}}", "artifact": "${{env.qa_artifact_name}}"}'