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Open Source Community in Mudoku


1 Introduction

The main aim of this tool is to simulate how an Open Source Community (OSC) works. The development was based on the Mudoku tool, created to solve a Sudoku problem by multiple users in a server-client model. This application was chosen because the design was the appropriated and also because the Sudoku problem allows the simulation of a system with three di�erent subsystems who have to work together to arrive a nal good solu- tion.

In this way, in Section 2 will be explained how an OSC has been simulated, then in Section 3 the principal di�erences between Mudoku and Mudoku with Agents, in Section 4 a brief description of the new components and nally in Section 5 how to run the new tool to do not miss any characteristic.

2 Simulating an OSC with a Sudoku

To simulate an OSC what it has been done is de ne the behavior of the di�erent roles that can be found in a community with intelligent agents. Then, the agents are launched in a controlled framework and is checked how they are developing the project, in this case solving a Sudoku. Roles of an OSC simulated:

� Passive User: This role is only applicable for the users. The only thing they can do is observe the grid and how the others agents and users are collaborating to solve a Sudoku. � Contributor: This kind of agents or users will be who are going to add new values to the grid. � Bug Reporter: In this role also agents and users will be able to report wrong values that have been contributed. � Tester: Agents and users check contributed values to start voting ses- sions for committing them. � Committer: When there is a voting session this agents or users will be the ones who can vote. � Project Leader: An agent or user in this role can decide if a committed value is accepted or rejected for the nal solution.

Thus, each cell of the grid has di�erent states depending on its level of development. At the beginning of the game all the cells are initialized by the server or waiting a value. Then, when a random community is created, the game starts. At this point the cells might have any of the follow states: contributed, reported, committed, accepted or rejected. And it is di�erenced also for the kind of agent that has produced this state: Rows, Columns, Square or Leader.

3 Differences between both tools Mudoku with Agents took the design of Mudoku. The server-client model was what we needed because permit us the creation of di�erent pro les of clients that work with the same game located in the server. In this manner, two pro les/frameworks have been created: one to control the intelligent agents and another one for real users that are also able to join the commu- nity and try the di�erent roles. The library CHOCO, used in Mudoku to capture the mouse events and to control the rules of the game, has been used only to get the mouse events. We could not use it for the rules of the game because we needed the agents/users commit mistakes as it happens in the reals OSC. For this reason, only an agent with the role of a Project Leader, or an user, knows all the rules of the game and all the other agents only knows the rules of one of the subsystems: Rows, Columns or Squares.

3.1 Differences in the Server

The server is rather distinct. It is still being the place where the game is initialized and who received all the messages with the actions of the clients. However, it is not controlling if the actions are correct or not, it only keeps the communication among all the clients connected. Also, a new protocol of messages have been de ned in order to take care of the new actions that can be produced.

The new tool provides two modes of working: � Text Mode: It is similar to the mudoku one. There is a console where can be checked all the actions produced. � Graphic Mode: It is the default mode. The framework is divided in three parts: Above there is a legend with all the members connected and the role of each one. In the middle on the left there are some information about the game (correct values, number of contributions, values rejected,...) and on the right a graphic "console" where can be checked the last seven actions produced. Below there is the box for the voting sessions. Every time there is a voting to decide if a value will be committed or not in this box can be checked the vote of every agent/user at the moment is received.

3.2 Differences in the Clients

How it has been commented, the new tool has two types of frameworks: one for the intelligent agents and another one for the clients. But we can have many of them runing at the same time with the same game. � Agents: This framework allows choose how many intelligent agents there will be in the community. The framework is divided in three parts: on the top-left corner can be visualized the grid. On the bottom- left there are two boxes to add agents to the community: the first one permits add as many agents of one selected type as we want and the second one create a random community with all the roles represented with as many agents as we type. On the left there are information boxes, a legend with the colors that appear on the grid and a box to disconnect agents (their use is not recommended: it can produce deadlock because of the using of threads + java monitors). � Clients: This framework was thought with an educational purpose. The users can join to the community, after a few questions, and play with the di�erent roles to learn how a community works. Depending on its behavior the users will be able to reach determined roles, nalizing the game on the project leader role. The only part in common that all the roles have is the grid on the top-left corner.

4 New Components

Mudoku with agents is not only a tool that solves a Sudoku. As user, you can join in a simulation of an OSC and learn not just how a project is developed; you can participate to help to it. 4.1 Colors of the Grid At the beginning, to understand what is happening in the grid could not be easy, for this reason it has been tried to create a con guration of colors that helps to get used with the tool. Every cell is formed by two di�erent col- ors, the background indicates which kind of agent or user has produced the current state and the foreground, separated by an oval, indicates the level of development. Those cells that have been set as a Bug Reported, Not Com- mitted or value Rejected will have not number written and the foreground is white, this would mean that a contributor can use them again to try to complete the game. When a voting session is active the agents are not allowed to produce actions, because this could a�ect to the voting. However, the users can still playing during the voting, this is because the game is stopped most of the time and it could be annoying and boring for the users.

4.2 Types Of Agents

The di�erent types of roles that have been simulated were explained. But it is important to understand that every agent only works in a de ned subsystem, unless the leader role. This means than the agents only know a part of the rules of the game and they depend on the others to get the nal solution. How a�ect this to each role? � Contributor: Every Agent only adds correct values in its subsystem. Namely, a row agent only checks a value is going to add in the row it bellows, never on the column or the square. � Bug Reporter: A row agent that is checking a value only will test if it is correct in the row, never on the columns or the square. Also, this agent only will check values contributed by a columns or square agent; because it knows that the values contributed by another row agent are correct on the rows. � Tester: As in the last cases, a row agent of this type only will test values contributed by the other types of agents. In this manner, this agent will ask for committing values are correct in two di�erent subsystems, increasing the possibilities of being committed. � Committer: When there is a voting a Row Committer will test the value only by rows, with a few possibilities to wrong the vote. � Project Leader: An agent of this type knows all the rules, so its work is accept or reject that values that have been committed and they have a high possibility to be accepted.

4.3 Educational Purpose

The client's framework was thought with an educational purpose. In this way, it is a kind of game in the whole game. An user will start as a Passive User and its goal will be get promotions until it reaches the Project Leader role. When the user tries to join the community it will have to answer correctly a number of questions about the Sudoku that can be selected before. Thus, once the user is accepted to join the community it will be a contributor. In this level the user has to contribute values until it reaches a determined num- ber of contributions committed. The next level is the Bug Reporter, where the user has to select incorrect contributions until it has the possibility to get promotion. In the Tester level the user ask for committing values until a determined number of them have been committed. When it reaches Com- mitter it only will take part in the voting. Every time there is a voting the user can vote to decide if a value has to be committed or not, this level n- ishes when the user votes correctly a determined number of times. Finally, the user might be a Project Leader, deciding which values committed are accepted or rejected. Once an user has reached one level it can come back to this level any times as it wants.

5 How to run the Tool

As the Mudoku tool, Mudoku with Agents is using java Applets, it has been developed with Eclipse and tested only in a Windows 7 operating System (the working of the applets depend on the version of java used, probably in Linux the location of the elements of the tool are moved, but it should work). (In any case parameters are needed, but the path build will need the lo- cation of the CHOCO library). To run the applications in the same host you should follow the next steps:

  • Run the Server Applet with default parameters.
  • Run the Agents Applet and connect it to the server with default parame- ters.
  • Create a Random Community with 15-45 members.
  • Run the Client (User) Applet and check the game settings appropriate for you.
  • Connect it to the server with default parameters and try to join the Com- munity. If the server is not located in the same host than the Clients you should know the IP of the host and the port of the application is using in this host (probably the default one).


Tool that simulates and Open Source Community using Intelligent Agents.






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