This project is part of Software Quality and Testing Course Autumn/2024 in University of Oulu. It is part of the Whitebox testing exercise and its meant to practice unit tests in java. This is my personal fork from the original branch provided by the course Teachers. Original can be found from .
Since the exercise was originally designed to be completed with Eclipse IDE and Eclemma plugin for code coverage. For personal preferences I did decided to complete it with IntelliJ IDEA IDE, also for the test purpose I picked Maven to be my choice of platform. Code coverage part of the exercise is handled with JaCoCo.
To implement usage of maven I had to slightly alter the project structure. This makes sure it follows standard Maven project directory layout. This also helps in maintaining consistency and makes it easier to understand. To configure Maven there is new pom.xml file that is the core of Maven project. It contains needed configuration details used by Maven to build the project. It also contains dependencies required by the project, such as JUnit for testing and JaCoCo for code coverage. It also contains the build plugins needed to run the tests and generate the code coverage report. With this setup i can easily manage the project dependencies and ensure that all required plugins and libraries are up to date. This is achieved with Mavens automatic dependency management.
JaCoCo is a code coverage library that can be used to generate code coverage reports. It can be easily integrated with Maven by adding the JaCoCo Maven plugin to the pom.xml file. It produces a code coverage report in HTML just like Eclemma.
The project structure is as follows:
: Contains the main Java source files.
: Contains the test Java source files.
: Maven configuration file.
The original project was designed to be used with Eclipse IDE and Eclemma plugin for code coverage. Since I refactored the project to be used with IntelliJ IDEA IDE and Maven. I had to make sure that the project is still compatible with the original design systems. This is achieved by updating the .classpath and .project files to include the necessary dependencies and configurations. This should ensure that the project can be imported into Eclipse IDE and run with Eclemma plugin without any issues.
First round of testing with JaCoCo was successful. The tests were run using Maven and the code coverage report can be found below.
- Coverage Rate: 74%
- Covered Lines: 29
- Missed Lines: 10
- Total Lines: 39
- Coverage Rate: 54%
- Covered Branches: 18
- Missed Branches: 15
- Total Branches: 33
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Methods: 7
- Missed Methods: 0
- Total Methods: 7
First i decdided to implement unit tests that check the fucntionality when player 1 wins and player 2 wins. These tests are implemented in file.
- Test for Player 1 winning the game.
public void testTennisGame_Player1WinsGame() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Assert
assertEquals("Player 1 win score incorrect", "player1 wins", game.getScore());
- Test for Player 2 winning the game.
public void testTennisGame_Player2WinsGame() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Act
// Asseert
assertEquals("Player 2 in score incorrect", "player2 wins", game.getScore());
After implementing the 2 new test to class i ran JaCoCo ith Maven again and got some improvement with the code coverage. Coverage report image is linked below.
- Coverage Rate: 82%
- Covered Lines: 34
- Missed Lines: 6
- Total Lines: 40
- Coverage Rate: 66%
- Covered Branches: 22
- Missed Branches: 11
- Total Branches: 33
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Methods: 7
- Missed Methods: 0
- Total Methods: 7
Next step was to implement tests to check the functionality when either player 1 or player 2 has advantage. These tests are implemented in file.
- Test for Player 1 having advantage.
public void testTennisGame_Player1HasAdvantage() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Act
// Assert
assertEquals("Advantage for Player1 score incorrect", "player1 has advantage", game.getScore());
- Test for Player 2 having advantage.
public void testTennisGame_Player2HasAdvantage() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Act
// Assert
assertEquals("Advantage for Player2 score incorrect", "player2 has advantage", game.getScore());
First test passed successfully but the second test failed. After reading the error message it was clear that the implementation of the game logic was incorrect. By checking the code in file i found a bug in the implementation getScore method for checking if player 2 has an advantage.
Original implementation in file at line 86:
if (player2Points > 4 && player2Points - player1Points == 1)
return "player2 has advantage";
Corrected implementation is:
if (player2Points >= 4 && player2Points - player1Points == 1)
return "player2 has advantage";
The condition should be player2Points >= 4 insted of player2Points > 4. This caused the test to fail because the condition was never met. After fixing the bug the test passed successfully.
After fixing the bug in the implementation of the game logic, i ran JaCoCo with Maven again and got some improvement with the code coverage, report image can be seen below.
- Coverage Rate: 94%
- Covered Lines: 37
- Missed Lines: 3
- Total Lines: 40
- Coverage Rate: 84%
- Covered Branches: 28
- Missed Branches: 5
- Total Branches: 33
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Methods: 7
- Missed Methods: 0
- Total Methods: 7
After implementing all the recommended tests in course material and not achieving 100% coverage with those(As expected). Third round of writing new tests and aiming to 100% code coverage, I had to comb through the code coverage report bit more carefully. While going through the report i noticed that there were some parts of code that were not covered by the tests.
After adding new tests and trying to analyze missing coverage, I ended up to implement tests to check the game logic at all possible game states. These tests are implemented in file. While going trough the code coverage reports after implementing test to cover all the different possible scores and game states, I noticed some problems with SUT code, and when I made tests to cover the situation when one player has an advantage, I missed detail in SUT code that caused the test to fail. When checking getScore method in file, I noticed that the logic in the method was incorrect. There was also a bug at returning player scores in the method that i found after implementing tests to cover all possible game states. In the comments at the TennisGameTest class its mentioned that score should be presented in format "player1 - player2" but the original implementation was returning it in format "player2 - player1".
Original implementation:
public String getScore() {
// Here is the format of the scores:
// "love - love"
// "15 - 15"
// "30 - 30"
// "deuce"
// "15 - love", "love - 15"
// "30 - love", "love - 30"
// "40 - love", "love - 40"
// "30 - 15", "15 - 30"
// "40 - 15", "15 - 40"
// "player1 has advantage"
// "player2 has advantage"
// "player1 wins"
// "player2 wins"
String player1Score = getScore(player1Points);
String player2Score = getScore(player2Points);
if (gameEnded) {
if (player1Points > player2Points)
return "player1 wins";
return "player2 wins";
if (player1Points >= 4 && player1Points == player2Points)
return "deuce";
if (player1Points >= 4 && player1Points - player2Points == 1)
return "player1 has advantage";
if (player2Points >= 4 && player2Points - player1Points == 1)
return "player2 has advantage";
return player2Score + " - " + player1Score ;
Corrected implementation is:
public String getScore() {
String player1Score = getScore(player1Points);
String player2Score = getScore(player2Points);
if (gameEnded) {
if (player1Points > player2Points) {
return "player1 wins";
else {
return "player2 wins";
if (player1Points >= 3 && player2Points >= 3 && player1Points == player2Points) {
return "deuce";
if (player1Points >= 3 && player1Points - player2Points == 1) {
return "player1 has advantage";
if (player2Points >= 3 && player2Points - player1Points == 1) {
return "player2 has advantage";
return player1Score + " - " + player2Score ;
First of all for some clarity i decided to move the comments from the method to the class level. This makes the code cleaner and easier to read. I also added some missing brackets to the if statements to make the code more readable and less error-prone. I also changed the condition for checking if the game is in deuce state. The original implementation was checking if the player points were equal to 4, but it should be checking if the player points are equal to 3 or greater and both players have the same points. I also changed the condition for checking if a player has an advantage. The original implementation was checking if the player points were equal or greater to 4 and the difference between the player points was 1, but it should be checking if the player points are equal or greater to 3 and the difference between the player points is 1. Lastly, I changed the return statement to return the player scores in the correct order.
I decided not to add all the tests i did to cover all possible game states to this README file, because it would make it too long and bloated. I also decided to leave out the code coverage reports while figuring out the small percentage of missing coverage in implementation of last tests. There was quite a lot of trial and error in last part and documenting every step would be way too timid for this project. I did manage finally push the coverage percentage to 100% and it would not be possible without changing the SUT code, since it had some critical bugs when handling the scoring and game states.
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Lines: 40
- Missed Lines: 0
- Total Lines: 40
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Branches: 33
- Missed Branches: 0
- Total Branches: 33
- Coverage Rate: 100%
- Covered Methods: 7
- Missed Methods: 0
- Total Methods: 7
One part of the given tasks was to run mutation testing with PITest and see how many mutants survived the tests. After running the PITest task is to kill the mutants by writing new tests. I ran the PITest with Maven and got the following results.
Survived Mutations
- Line 33: Changed conditional boundary.
- Line 36: Changed conditional boundary.
- Line 47: Replaced return value with "" for TennisGame::getScore.
- Line 77: Changed conditional boundary.
- Line 84: 2 X Changed conditional boundary.
- Line 87: Changed conditional boundary.
- Line 90: Changed conditional boundary.
Mutation test result indicate that while majority of the mutants were killed by the existing test cases, still there were multiple mutants that survived the tests. Survived mutants highlight areas where the test coverage could be improved. When going trough the surviving mutants, reviewing tests and SUT code, its quite evident that altered conditional boundaries caused most of the surviving mutants. Additionally, there was a single mutant surviving that was caused by return value being empty string. By addressing these gaps in the test coverage, it should be possible to kill the surviving mutants and improve the robustness of the tests.
Since there was quite a lot of surviving mutants, I´ll go through every case one by one, with explanation why mutants survived and solution to kill them.
- Line 33: Changed conditional boundary
Explanation: The mutation changed the conditional boundary in the if statement. The original condition was checking if the player1 points were equal or greater to 4 and that player point difference was equal or greater to 2. The mutant likely altered the condition to something like player1Points >= 4 && player1Points - player2Points > 2. This caused the mutant to survive because the original test cases did not cover the specific boundary condition where difference between player points is exactly 2.
Solution: I wrote a new test that specifically checks this boundary condition. Test can be seen below.
public void testTennisGame_Player1WinsAtBoundary() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Act
// Assert
assertEquals("Player 1 win score incorrect", "player1 wins", game.getScore());
- Line 36: Changed conditional boundary
Explanation: The mutation with this case is similar to the previous one, except for the player2 winning this time.
Solution: I wrote a new test similar to last one. Test can be seen below.
public void testTennisGame_Player2WinsAtBoundary() throws TennisGameException {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Act
// Assert
assertEquals("Player 2 win score incorrect", "player2 wins", game.getScore());
- Line 47: Replaced return value with "" for TennisGame::getScore
Explanation: The mutation replaced the return value set as default in switch statement with empty string instead of "40", this caused the mutant to survive because the original test cases did not cover the specific condition where the return value for getScore method is called with value over 3. This was completely missed in the original test cases since i was thinking too much in the context of tennis scoring system. This caused me to miss the possibility of this kind of mutation.
Solution: I wrote a new test to cover this specific case. Instead of an approach where i would have let the game go to deuce state and then check the return value, i decided to go with a more direct approach and call the getScore method with player points set to 4 which should return "40". With this I ran in to a problem that the getScore method is set to private and i can´t call it directly from the test class. Luckily I had already bumped in to this problem earlier in another task and remembered that i can use reflection to call private methods. I implemented the test with reflection and it worked as expected. Test can be seen below.
public void testTennisGame_InvalidDefaultScore() throws Exception {
// Arrange
TennisGame game = new TennisGame();
// Use reflection to access the private getScore method
Method getScoreMethod = TennisGame.class.getDeclaredMethod("getScore", int.class);
// Act
String score = (String) getScoreMethod.invoke(game, 4); // Invalid score
// Assert
assertEquals("Invalid score incorrect", "40", score);
- Line 77, 84, 87, 90: Changed conditional boundary
Explanation: The mutations changed the conditional boundaries in the if statements. After writing a multitude of tests to cover all edge cases and possible game states, I was quite confident that the tests would cover all possible scenarios. Still the mutants survived, this was quite a surprise to me. After going through the tests and SUT code, I noticed that the problem was in the implementation of the getScore method. The method was not returning the scores in the correct order and this caused the mutants to survive. The mutants were likely altering the conditional boundaries to check for the incorrect order of the scores. After trying to fix the problem by modifying getScore method, I noticed that the problem was how the deuce and advantage states were handled and also how game determined if the game was ended and either of players had won the game. I had to modify the getScore method to handle these cases correctly and also modify checkGameEnded method to return the winner of the game. After fixing these problems, the mutants were killed and the tests passed.
Original checkGameEnded method:
private void checkGameEnded() {
if (player1Points >=4 && player1Points - player2Points >= 2)
gameEnded = true;
else if (player2Points >=4 && player2Points - player1Points >=2)
gameEnded = true;
Refactored checkGameEnded method:
private String checkGameEnded() {
if (player1Points >= 4 && player1Points - player2Points >= 2) {
gameEnded = true;
return "player1 wins"; // Return win status directly
else if (player2Points >= 4 && player2Points - player1Points >= 2) {
gameEnded = true;
return "player2 wins"; // Return win status directly
return null; // No winner yet
As we can see from the refactored code, the checkGameEnded method now returns the winner of the game directly. This makes it easier to determine the winner of the game and also makes the getScore method cleaner and easier to understand. The getScore method now only needs to check if the game has ended and return the winner of the game. This makes the code more robust and less prone to errors.
Original getScore method:
public String getScore() {
String player1Score = getScore(player1Points);
String player2Score = getScore(player2Points);
if (gameEnded) {
if (player1Points > player2Points)
return "player1 wins";
return "player2 wins";
if (player1Points >= 4 && player1Points == player2Points)
return "deuce";
if (player1Points >= 4 && player1Points - player2Points == 1)
return "player1 has advantage";
if (player2Points >= 4 && player2Points - player1Points == 1)
return "player2 has advantage";
return player1Score + " - " + player2Score ;
Refactored getScore method:
public String getScore() throws TennisGameException {
String gameResult = checkGameEnded(); // Call checkGameEnded() and store result
if (gameResult != null) {
return gameResult; // Return win status directly
if (player1Points >= 3 && player2Points >= 3) {
if (player1Points == player2Points) {
return "deuce";
if (player1Points - player2Points == 1) {
return "player1 has advantage";
if (player2Points - player1Points == 1) {
return "player2 has advantage";
return getScore(player1Points) + " - " + getScore(player2Points);
In here we can see that the refactored getScore method now calls the checkGameEnded method to determine if the game has ended and return the winner of the game directly. This makes the code more robust and less prone to errors. The getScore method now only needs to check if the game has ended and return the winner of the game. This makes the code more readable and easier to understand. Also, the deuce and advantage states are now handled correctly and the method returns the scores in the correct order.
Final PITest report after fixing the problems in the SUT code and writing new tests to kill the mutants.
After going through the surviving mutants and writing new tests I realised the solution was not as simple as I first thought. I had to go through the SUT code and tests multiple times to find the root cause of the problem. The problem was in the implementation of the getScore method and how the game states were handled. By refactoring the getScore method and checkGameEnded method, I was able to kill the mutants and achieve 100% coverage and 100% mutation coverage.
This project was a great learning experience and I feel more confident in my ability to write tests and refactor code. I learned the importance of writing tests that cover all possible scenarios and how to use mutation testing to find gaps in the test coverage. I will definitely use these skills in the future to write better tests and improve the quality of my code. I also learned the importance of ability to read and understand the code, and how to use that knowledge to write better tests and refactor the code. Even with all the frustration and trial and error, I enjoyed working on this project and I am proud of the results. I am looking forward to applying these skills in future projects and improving my coding skills even further.